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What Would Love Do Now?

Updated: Apr 22

Would You Like to Know How to Live in Total Peace, Love, Joy and Purpose? Well You Can. Right Now, For The Rest of Your Life. There is a Tried and Tested Formula. It's No Secret. The Only Question That You Ever Need To Ask Your Self is... "What Would Love Do Now?"

As William Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet "This, above all, to thine own Self be true, And it must follow, as night follows day, thou canst then be false to any man." 'The Bard' found the secret to how to BE and therefore how to live. He was a spiritual Master as well as the greatest author in history. You may achieve this by making the highest choice in every moment. As Sigmund Freud said "In the important decisions, we should be governed, I think, by the deep inner needs of our nature." Let me explain...

How does this quote from 'The Bard' guide us as to how to BE? And therefore how to live?

Dr Wayne Dyer wrote "If you knew who walked beside you at all times, on the path that you have chosen, you could never experience fear or doubt again." Would you like to live free from pain, fear and doubt, and instead, live in total peace, love, joy and purpose?

Cal Trask said in 'East of Eden' "Man has a choice and it's a choice that makes him a man."

"This, above all, to thine own Self be true." William Shakespeare found the secret to joy, peace and purpose, and wrote it into 'Hamlet' for you

Surrender your thoughts

Your 'stinking thinking' got you here. I don't mean to offend you, it's just the Truth. As Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds of all time, said "You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it."

You have 60,000 thoughts per day, most of them repetitive, negative, sometimes catastrophising (yes that it a real word) and none of them are your own thoughts. You don't believe me? That's not the real you thinking that. Buddhists call it 'the monkey mind'. Your thinking is dark and you feel that there is no hope. Your thinking is stuck in the past, the future, anywhere but the present moment.

Your thinking comes from fear. That fear was conditioned into you. You may not see it yet, but it's true. When you think from fear you create your own personal Hell: Your experience of life is Hell. Hell is merely the opposite of joy. No poison can kill a positive thinker (someone who is thinking with love) and no medicine can save a negative thinker (someone who is thinking with fear). Why do you insist on living in the experience of Hell, of your own creation, when "All is well and all shall be well"? I know this is true because I have been where you are. I have walked this path. We are all on this path, we just don't always know it. And we keep being sent lessons until we decide to wake up and walk through the door. In Revelation 3:8 the Bible states "I know your works. Look! I have set in front of you an open door that no one can shut." This is the path to your life. It is the open door to Grace. I know what you are thinking - that's just religious mumbo jumbo. Again, the monkey mind. Open your mind, you will change your life...

Let go of your need to control the world. You can't. All you can do is choose in every moment who you are BEing. It is your choice: It's only your fear (the language of your ego) that tells you otherwise: Your ego screams in your ear that it's not your choice, that it's not your fault to choose or not to choose this stinking thinking, but it is: You cannot grow if you choose to remain in 'victim mode' and throw your self a pity party. The pity party is over. We are all struggling. Only you can save you. Only you can hit your rock bottom. No-one else can understand you so that you don't have to: You need to find out who you Truly are. It's not a competition, it's a doorway.

The choice is: Speak your Truth and live in the sunlight, or hide your Truth and live a lie. You hide consumed with shame and living in fear of being discovered for who you truly are without your facade. Fear is a liar. Human fear comes from not feeling unconditionally loved or lovable, unworthy, or the fear of being abandoned if you show your true face and that as a result you won't survive. Take off your mask. Aristotle said “The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.” You need to understand you.

This is why you wear a 'mask' - the presentable face that you put on to try to get the love of your parents and society. This resulted in a fragmentation of your psyche: A breaking apart of your Soul. Franz Kafka said "Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable." You have nothing to be ashamed of. You have a choice in every moment to be the highest version of you.

We all have the same fears. They have been conditioned into us as a result of our experience of childhood. 'If it's hysterical it's historical' as they say in psychotherapy in relation to trauma. It's what happened to you as a child in the absence of a compassionate witness. Michel de Montaigne wrote "A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears." You are afraid of your unfelt fears. You need an Enlightened Witness to guide you. The past is over. There is no lion. It's your choice to wake up to authenticity and become whole again: To become integrated. To know your soul. You have projected your parents onto your idea of a judgemental 'God' based on a conditional fear-based past experience. So you don't allow your Self to be vulnerable, open, willing, trusting, and unconditionally loving.

And now for the good news. There is a tried and tested formula, a recipe, the Truth of the ages and the sages: It works every time. Lao Tzu, The Tao Te Ching, Jesus, The Bible, The Buddha, Moses, Epictetus, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, William Shakespeare, Albert Einsten, Isaac Newton, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Khalil Gibran, Friedrich Nietzsche, Carl Jung, Viktor Frankl, Psychoanalysis, Herman Hesse, Bill Wilson, The 12 steps, Swami Vivekananda, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Anthony de Mello, Paulo Coelho, Eckhart Tolle, Wayne Dyer, Alan Watts, Joseph Campbell, 'The Hero's Journey', Sydney Banks, 'The Three Principles', Michael Neill, Ram Dass, Bob Marley, Chögyam Trungpa, Thich Nhat Hanh, Charlie Chaplin, Gary Zukav, Deepak Chopra, Neal Donald Walsch, Michael A Singer, Byron Katie, Marianne Williamson, A Course in Miracles, Julia Cameron, 'The Artist's Way', Brené Brown, John Purkiss, Greg Baer, Ryan Holiday, Robin Sharma, even Yoda, to name but a few, and many many other teachers, spiritual Masters, and philosophies have given us the formula. See my suggested reading list for a place to start. Read my articles for my distillation of their wisdom. The formula is always the same. We just don't listen or see it until we are brought to our knees. We are all on our knees. You are on your knees. Otherwise why would you be reading this article? Oprah has even shared this recipe on her show for years, and it has brought her peace, joy and billions of dollars as a side effect of her service to the world. You are looking for a way out of your personal Hell. Well, the way out is in...

The secret formula is no secret

The formula to find Heaven right now is simply this:

"Drop out of your mind (ego), look within, open your heart, and connect with your intuition" Olly Alexander Branford.

All you require to do this is prayer, meditation, allow your Self to be vulnerable, and to 'discipline your mind.'

I am not talking about established religion, which is man-made and is therefore dominated by stinking thinking based on fear and hence why our experience of it is of judgement and intolerance. It's why we turn to spirituality, which has nothing to do with religion. I am talking about prayer, meditation and disciplining your mind as a recipe to find Heaven inside you right now and to transform your entire life. You were brought to your knees so that you would pray. It required this before you would hear what you need to hear.

Kahlil Gibran wrote in 'The Prophet' 'On Religion':

"The freest song comes not through bars and wires,

And he to whom worshipping is a window, to open

but also to shut, has not yet visited the house of his soul

whose windows are from dawn to dawn:

Your daily life is your temple and your religion. Whenever you enter it take with you your all.


Prayer is simply you asking the Universe to guide you on the path that has been given to you. If you ask in prayer, then follow your intuition in meditation, and express your gratitude, it will be given to you. It's asking for a reminder of who you truly are. You are a BEing that has limitless capability. You are far more than you ever imagined. Why do you insist on acting like 'King Baby'? Why do you incessantly seek egoic conflict and self-pity out of fear? Why do you act so big, when you are not so small? False ambition will rob you of your life. The Universe has a consciousness, an intelligence, a creative force, an energy that is known by many names. Some people call it 'God', or 'Nature', and some people call it 'love'. Call it what you will. It really doesn't matter what you call it. It's the ultimate reality. You can feel it, can't you? The awe and wonder of a starry sky. You feel that you are conscious. You feel that there is a you. It's your soul, it's your conscious awareness. You know it, even if words can never quite describe it. It doesn't have a name, as to name it would be to describe it. You can only feel it.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a Darwinian scientist and philosopher, wrote "We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Remain true to yourself, but move ever upward toward greater consciousness and greater love! At the summit you will find yourselves united with all those who, from every direction, have made the same ascent." It's quite the view. And you can see it right now.

You have so much light to give. Why do you keep it from the world? This is the path to Enlightenment...

Joseph Campbell wrote of the 'Hero's Journey' that lies ahead of you "We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us. Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer. The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be. If you follow your bliss, doors will open for you that wouldn't have opened for anyone else. The privilege of a lifetime is BEing who you are. Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your path. Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again. The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the Universe, to match your nature with Nature. We're not on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves. But in doing that you save the world. The influence of a vital person vitalises. All the 'Gods', all the Heavens, all the Hells, are within you. If you are falling....dive." Perhaps it's time to have Faith, take the dive and follow your bliss? You have tried everything else. That didn't work. Joseph Campbell goes further and describes the Hero's Path:

We have not even to risk the adventure alone

for the heroes of all time have gone before us.

The labyrinth is thoroughly known ...

we have only to follow the thread of the Hero path.

And where we had thought to find an abomination

we shall find a God.

And where we had thought to slay another

we shall slay ourselves.

Where we had thought to travel outwards

we shall come to the centre of our own existence.

And where we had thought to be alone

we shall be with all the world.”

Deepak Chopra wrote “The Universe contains three things that cannot be destroyed; BEing, Awareness and LOVE.

Joseph Campbell is talking about slaying your ego. You must die to be reborn. Jesus said, "I tell you the Truth, no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to Spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, "You must be born again." Be excited about this. Go all in. There is no need for apprehension.

Swami Vivekananda said “You can do anything and everything, without even the guidance of anyone. Stand up and express the divinity within you. They alone live, who live for others.” Here he is extolling the value of service. He continues “Whatever you think that you will be. If you think yourself weak, weak you will be; if you think yourself strong, you will be. Believe in yourself and the world will be at your feet. All the powers in the Universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark." You create your reality. What you think about you become. What you resist persists. Take the leap into the void and the net will appear. Get out of your own way. Trust the process. Let go, let God. If you let go of the controls the autopliot will kick in, but it won't if you don't. It can feel scary even if what you have tried so far didn't work. It can feel very difficult to trust in the Universe when we have never been able to trust anyone or trust in ourselves. Stop trying to fight the Universe - let go of the rope. All is well.

Meditation is where you hear the intuitive voice of the Universe guiding you on your path. It's where you hear the answer to your prayers.

Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, and our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work You don't will your physical wounds to heal. We let Nature take its course., Meditation is the dissolution of the negative thoughts that are not from our Self in eternal awareness or pure consciousness. When we meditate, what we actually do is enter into the deeper part of our BEing.

As Rumi wrote "The inspiration you seek is already within you. Be silent and listen." Listen for the still quiet voice of your Highest Self or 'God.' Step into the now and soar. Start with your fresh new dialogue with the Universe today. As Lao Tzu said "When I let go of who I am, I become who I might be." Let go of the past definitions of your Self. Voltaire, the philosopher and Enlightenment writer, said “Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in Eternal awareness or Pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity.”

Swami Vivekananda said “You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul. The awakening of the soul to its bondage and its effort to stand up and assert itself – this is called life. All power is within you; you can do anything and everything. Believe in that, do not believe that you are weak; do not believe that you are half-crazy lunatics, as most of us do nowadays.”

Ludwig Wittgenstein puts it best “A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that's unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to him to pull rather than push it.” In the Bible it says "Be still, and know that I am God". The answers will come in the stillness.

As Charlie Chaplin said "As I began to love my Self I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own Truth. Today, I know this is authenticity."

Awareness is key. Lao Tzu said “The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” Ram Dass said “Thoughts are going by like a river; awareness simply is.” Eckhart Tolle said “Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them.” You are the observer, the witness. The American psychologist Abraham Maslow, who created the 'Hierarchy of needs', a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs in priority, culminating in Self-actualisation, said “What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.Amit Ray said “Raise your awareness and share your uniqueness to the world.” The implications are vast. The world needs your unique talents, especially right now. Amit Ray wrote “Your greatest awakening comes, when you are aware about your infinite nature.” Ram Dass said “I see my life as an unfolding set of opportunities to awaken.”

Ram Dass said “Coming into the place of Soul-awareness is coming home.” Tara Brach said “True refuge is that which allows us to be at home, at peace, to discover true happiness. The only thing that can give us true refuge is the awareness and love that is intrinsic to who we are. Ultimately, it's our own true nature.”

Rumi calls us to action and to be excited about it “Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames... The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you… Don't go back to sleep. There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don't you?”


Once your awareness changes, your behaviour changes. Deepak Chopra said “A person is a pattern of behaviour, of a larger awareness.”Anthony De Mello wrote “All is well... Before changing the world transform yourself. Nightmares can’t hurt you when you wake up. You will change effortlessly when you wake up: As the light of awareness settles on darkness it disappears. Whatever is bad will disappear. Whatever is good will be fostered. Awareness is the most delightful and important thing in the world.”

Your heart is where your soul communicates with all the celestial forces. It's the download from the Universe. Your ego is who you think you are. The ego is a liar. It's really time to see through the absurdity of your own predicament. You aren't who you thought you were. You are so much more. Your soul is born of love. Your soul knows what to do. And in this very lifetime you can know it. Right now. The real work you have to do is in the privacy of your own heart. The real work is your inner connection. Quiet the mind. Open your heart. Don't worship the gate. Ignore the mobile phone in your hand. Go into your inner temple. Here is how to hear the still quiet voice of your soul:

Disciplining your mind

This process is so very simple. The key to awakening your Highest Self, your soul, is to be present at all times and from this place simply ask in prayer in every moment, in every choice, simply "What would love do now?"

In every moment, in every choice, every fork in the road that is the path of your life, simply "What would love do now?"

The power of the mind is phenomenal. When negative thoughts creep through, they can hijack your day, or even your life, until you learn to overcome them. Understanding that thoughts can be changed is fundamental to switching from negative (fear) to positive (love or Higher Power) thinking, but understanding the difference between thoughts that help you and thoughts that hinder you is key to bringing about positive changes in your life.

When you have a clear vision of who you are as your Highest Self and how you want to live your life, you have the power to make choices that keep you on track to realising that vision. When you know what truly matters to you, impulsive thoughts can no longer lead you astray or influence your choices.

Knowing what 'Doing The Right Thing' means to you gives you the strength to stand firm and overcome any temptation; you have control because your thoughts are focused on who you are becoming.

Choosing wise thoughts to flourish and then allowing them to become wise deeds leads to an ever increasing self-satisfaction.

Your thoughts ultimately determine who you are, how you live, who you know, all you know, and all you can influence.

It's best to create your own prayer daily. Sometimes I simply pray "Thank you, thank you, thank you." Sometimes I say the prayer of St Francis of Assisi, which wasn't written by him, but I am sure that he would have approved of it (Mother Theresa said this prayer daily):

Peace Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:

where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console,

to be understood as to understand,

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life."

I love this guided meditation on the prayer by Lou Redmond:

'The Prayer of St Francis': A meditation by Lou Redmond

As Marianne Williamson says "Just as you wouldn't leave the house without taking a shower, you shouldn't start the day without at least 10 minutes of sacred practice: prayer, meditation, and inspirational reading." You shower to wash the dirt off from the day before. Prayer washes the fearful stinking thinking off from the day before.

Here is my list of recommended books to guide you in your awakening:

This process is not witchcraft, voodoo, black magic, or 'religion': It's how the Universe works. Try it and you will see. It's how you surrender, step out of the fearful thoughts that rule and ruin your life and into peace, light, love, purpose and 'divine' higher wisdom and Truth: How to BE. You will know what to do, once you know how to be. The spirituality will take care of itself. Let go and enjoy the view. As 'The Bard' said "To thine own Self be true." As it says at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi the inscription above the entrance is "Know Thyself." Jesus said "Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the Kingdom of God is within you." Are you starting to hear?

'God' is just a short convenient name for the Universe, which is all of these:

  • Grow or die (love or fear)

  • Gift of desperation (you are on your knees)

  • Guide of destiny (your intuition)

  • Giver of data (how to be)

  • Garden of delight (heaven on Earth)

  • Good old dad (sending you love Dad!)

  • Gentleman of distinction

  • Guild of dreams

  • Guaranteed overnight delivery

  • Grand omnipotent divinity

You simply need a shift from:

  • Fear to love.

  • From pain to peace.

  • From grievances to miracles.

  • From victim to creator.

  • From ego to soul.

  • From wounded child to Higher Self.

  • From pity party to purpose.

It’s all the same thing. A Course in Miracles says that "'Only love is real': “The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.” When we think with love, we are literally co-creating with God. And when we're not thinking with love, since only love is real, then we're actually not thinking at all." This is true whether your thinking applies to leadership, relationships, manifesting abundance, growth, personal development, whatever... The key is finding your Self and finding the Kingdom of Heaven within... This is what will revolutionise your life. Nothing else works. Trust me I have tried everything, so that you don't have to.

Whether you conceive of love or 'God' as a set of immutable cosmic natural laws (which Einstein believed in) or as an old man with a white robe and matching beard is totally and gloriously irrelevant. This Universal energy, consciousness or intelligence is formless. It's 'the great unseen.' We have to learn to trust in what we can't see. We have to let go.

You are not going crazy. As Friedrich Nietzsche wrote "There is always madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." Einstein wrote a letter to his daughter on the Universal Force of Love. He wrote "There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the Universe and has not yet been identified by us. This Universal force is LOVE." Love is the oxygen of life. Love and fear cannot coexist. Love is Faith. Love is pure energy. Isn't it time that you tapped into it?

All that matters are your soul's core values and how you act upon them. Surrender all thoughts that are not of love. They are not real. You will know when the thoughts are not intuitive. When they are real they will feel like Truth, joy and love. Sören Kierkegaard the philosopher and theologian wrote "To love human beings is still the only thing worth living for, without that love, you really do not live."

Emmet Fox said “There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer: No disease that love will not heal: no door that enough love will not open... It makes no difference how deep set the trouble: How hopeless the outlook: How muddled the tangle: How great the mistake. A sufficient realisation of love will dissolve it all. If only you could love enough you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world.”

In order to convince others of anything you must have had that real experience; walking the talk is the best way to ensure that you can build your level of Self belief. I took leaps of Faith not knowing where I was going to land, but it was how I learned to lose my fear, believe in my Self, trust in the Universe, grow wings and survive any fall. Action dissolves fear. The summary of the book 'Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway' by Susan Jeffers is that: 'You can handle anything'. You really can! As Dan Millman, the olympic athlete and spiritual teacher wrote “Only action brings potential to life.”

Roy McAvoy said in the film 'Tin Cup' that "When a defining moment comes along, you can do one of two things: Define the moment or let the moment define you." As Matt Main says "This is your script. What's it to be? Is the pen in your hand? Or in someone else's?"

Whatever you are looking for is also looking for you. You see, don't only look. Be available and ready when it shows up. You are so much more than you realise. You are in such a better place than you think. You have come so much further than you believe. The richer the soil, the more unforgivable the failure to cultivate it. You will discover your Self. In the book 'When Nietzsche Wept' the philosopher says "If you have not attained your Self, then duty is merely a euphemism for your own further enlargement.” It's time to slay that ego and give birth to the highest version of you. You have a soul that is ready to know. Think about what YOU want that brings you peace, love, joy and real purpose. All is well. And all shall be well. Click here for The Ultimate Guide To TLC.

Who do you choose to run your life? Your wounded inner child or your Higher Self?

When you choose to follow your heart (Higher Self) and not your head, expect that your head (egoic fear) won't go without a fight. It's a daily decision.

Kahlil Gibran wrote in 'The Prophet' 'On Self-Knowledge':

"And a man said, Speak to us of Self-Knowledge.

And he answered, saying:

Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights.

But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart’s knowledge.

You would know in words that which you have always known in thought.

You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams.

And it is well you should.

The hidden well-spring of your soul must needs rise and run murmuring to the sea;

And the treasure of your infinite depths would be revealed to your eyes.

But let there be no scales ot weigh your unknown treasure;

And seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line.

For self is a sea boundless and measureless.

Say not, “I have found the truth,” but rather, “I have found a truth.” 

Say not, "I have found the path of the soul.” Say rather, “I have met the soul walking upon my path.”

For the soul walks upon all paths.

The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.

The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals."

Sending you love, light, and blessings.

'VOICE for men'

Please let me know if you would like to join our 'VOICE for men' group: 'Vulnerability & Openness Is a Choice Ensemble', where you can find your strength, courage, and authenticity, by dropping your egocentric fears and instead communicate openly with vulnerability. We are co-creating this space. It will change your life. It will empower you. This community is a safe space for men to connect and discuss philosophy, spirituality, positive psychology, awakening to Self-realisation, wisdom and timeless Truths, to share our experience, strength and hope, and to find solutions to our pain and fears. Our meeting is free to join. There is no script, just sharing. Click here to read my article on 'VOICE for men' to find out more:

Olly Alexander Branford MD, MBBS, MA(Cantab), PhD

My gift is to be your guide. Let me know if you would like to continue this conversation...

“Transformative life coaching uniquely creates and holds the space for you to see your self afresh, with clarity, and step into new ways of BEing, which will transform how you perceive and intuitively create your world. My work is to guide you to raise your own conscious awareness to the level that you want to achieve.” Olly Alexander Branford

My coaching themes and services - I work 1:1 and in groups with men who are looking for: Transformative Life Coaching, Transformational Coaching, Life Coaching, Personal Coaching, Positive Psychology Coaching, Recovery Coaching, Trauma Informed Coaching, Work Addiction Coaching, Workaholism Coaching, Addiction Coaching, Mindfulness Coaching.

Click here to read all my articles:

Suggested reading

Click here for the books that I know will help you along your journey of recovering your Self:


I am very pleased to meet you. Thank you for reading this far. I very much look forward to connecting with the highest version of you, to seeing your highest possibility, and to our conversations. Please do contact me via my website for a free connection call and a free experience of coaching. I am here to serve you.

See you soon,

Olly Alexander Branford MD, MBBS, MA(Cantab), PhD

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I have a Bachelor's degree in Natural Sciences from Trinity College, Cambridge; a Master's Degree in Philosophy from Trinity College, Cambridge; a PhD Doctorate in Scientific Research from University College London (UCL); a Medical Degree (MD/MBBS) from The Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London and have been a doctor and reconstructive trauma and cancer surgeon in London for 20 years. I have published over 50 peer reviewed scientific journal articles, have been an associate editor and frequent scientific faculty member, and am the author of several scientific books. I have been awarded my Diploma in Transformative Life Coaching in London, which has International Coaching Federation (ICF) Accreditation, as well as the UK Association for Coaching (AC), and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC). I have been on my own transformative journey full time for four years and I am ready to be your guide to you finding out who you really are and how the world works.

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