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Updated: Apr 17

Waking up to abundance. When you receive gifts you may be happy, for a short while, or you may be unhappy. What if your whole life was a gift? Neville Goddard, the Enlightened Master, author, philosopher, metaphysician, and prophet, who taught about the power of the human psyche (mind and soul), which has the power to create our entire reality and experience of life, wrote “NOTHING is impossible to you.” Before he became a writer, he worked as a ballet and ballroom dancer. He only started writing after taking an interest in metaphysics (the deepest branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as BEing, wisdom, Truth, and identity) and theology. Metaphysics is derived from the Greek meta ta physica ('after the things of Nature'); referring to the fundamental nature of reality, which is the realm of Truth that exists beyond the reach of science. In modern philosophical terminology, metaphysics refers to the study of that which cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality, yet exists without doubt, such as BEing, the nature of consciousness, existence, the mind, the soul, love, absolute Truth, identity, and change. Metaphysics is considered one of the four main branches of philosophy. It includes questions about the relationship between mind and matter, cause and effect, space and time, and between actuality and possibility. Metaphysics also studies questions related to what it is for something to exist and what types of existence there are. Metaphysics seeks to answer, in an abstract and fully general manner, the questions of: 'What is it that exists?'; 'What is it like?'; 'Who am I?'; and 'What is my purpose?'

Learn to work harder on your Self than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job you can make a living. If you work hard on your Self you can make a fortune. You can have more than you've got because you can become more than you are.

Dante wrote that "A mighty flame follows a tiny spark."

Some Truth seekers have brought clarity and simplicity to the abstract: Neville Goddard's legacy of the combination of imagination, creativity, BEing, feeling, and the Law of Attraction lives on today. Reading his works will help you turn your dreams into reality. I have summarised them here for you and added other timeless Truths to them in the present article. I recommend doing a 10 minute silent meditation before reading this article as it is going to dive into deep personal transformation: It will change your life.

Neville Goddard said "Your world is at it is because of your consciousness." Let this article sink in and serve as your guiding light in achieving your desires.

More contemporary spiritual guides and voices, such as Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Oprah Winfrey, Gabrielle Bernstein, and many others, all of whom have written about abundance and manifestation, borrowed many of their insights on this from Neville Goddard. He simply wrote about Truth, usually using The Bible as a parable or metaphor for the human psyche and the Hero’s Journey that we all must undertake.

The ONLY person who can rescue you in YOU. We are all on a personal journey: We just don't all realise it yet. Plato reminded us to focus on our divine purpose "All things will be produced in superior quantity and quality, and with greater ease, when each man works at a single occupation, in accordance with his natural gifts, and at the right moment, without meddling with anything else."

Oprah Winfrey said "If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough." C. S. Lewis wrote that "Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy."

The Bible is a prolific source of psychological concepts. There is much talk about abundance on social media by ‘influencers’ who describe 'hacks' and 'shortcuts to £10K months'. As the saying goes: "If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is." In order to receive abundance in your life, you need to understand and practice the following: Manifestation; BEing; Freeing your mind; The Law of Attraction; The Theory of Manifestation Through Imagination; How infinite possibility works; How the power of receiving works; and The power of gratitude. The mainstay of this involves inner work and a process of becomingAn expert is simply a collector of mistakes.

My blessed mentor and coach's mother Eileen Caddy MBE wrote “Set your sights high, the higher the better. Expect the most wonderful things to happen, not in the future but right now. Realise that nothing is too good. Allow absolutely nothing to hamper you or hold you up in any way." This has become my guiding principle. Eileen Caddy, one of the greatest spiritual teachers, is best known as one of the founders of the Findhorn Foundation community, near Findhorn, in northeast Scotland, that still thrives to this day. The Sunday Times referred to it as "the Vatican of the New Age" and many contemporary voices of Truth such as Eckhart Tolle, the author of the essential literature in this domain such as "The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment" and "A New Earth: Awakening Your Life's Purpose", both of which reside permanently by my bedside (and are on repeat on my Audible), have held retreats and conferences there. Eileen Caddy also wrote “Cease trying to work everything out with your minds. It will get you nowhere. Live by intuition and inspiration and let your whole life be Revelation.” Such gold!

Why do our ego minds get in our own way and cause us ultimately to fail? Neville Goddard suggested that “There is no escape from our present predicament except by a radical psychological transformation… You possess the power of intervention, the power which enables you to alter the course of your future… You are free to choose the concept you will accept of yourself.” Learn to love your Self. You have a choice. Will you choose your ego (fear) or your Higher Power (love). Only the ego tells you you don't have a choice as they always want you to choose them over your Higher Power. The ego is a great servant, but a terrible master.

Life is not up to us, but it’s not not up to us: It’s co-creation with the Universe. When we are very clear about our intention the Universe has a way of moving the pieces around for that to be manifested. Intention is something that we uncover. As Epictetus wrote "The world turns aside to let any man pass who knows where he is going." Let’s dive in(wards) and find your map…

Click here for my glossary of transformative terms:

Abundance. It sounds wonderful, but what is it?

What is abundance?

Abundance is the opposite of lack. Scarcity comes from our perception of separation. Most of us, and especially the super-rich and the super-egoic, are driven by lack and fear, not by abundance. The incessant drive, determination, and ‘Hustle Culture’ that we have in the Western world, is driven by lack, scarcity, escape from misery and pain, a desire for external validation, and from low self-worth. I have met billionaires who are suicidal. This incessant activity will burn you out: It is the 'virus' that is driving us all mentally ill. Whatever is driven by lack turns to dust, as it is built without solid foundations.

As Emmet Fox wrote “Lack of any kind is always traceable to the fact that we have been seeking our supply from some secondary source, instead of from God himself, the author and giver of life.” Abundance has divine origins, and that origin is within you: You just don't know it yet. Fox continued “There is nothing in the Universe that you cannot do or be if you are mentally ready.” It all starts with the BEing. The doing and the having flow from there.

How can you harvest the rewards of abundance?

Your very nature is abundant. You have simply forgotten who you are. You are a limitless, innocent BEing; a child of the Universe. Are you living from your ego or your Higher Power? W. Clement Stone wrote “Your most precious, valued possessions and your greatest powers are invisible and intangible. No one can take them. You, and you alone, can give them. You will receive abundance for your giving.” So what are these invisible, intangible powers? This is the domain of metaphysics.

You were made for the place where your real passion meets compassion, because therein lies your real purpose. Compassion is one of the three greatest gifts that you can bestow on anyone. We rise by lifting others so that they may rise too on the difficult but beautiful path that is life. Lord Byron wrote "Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray."

In the Bible Proverbs 13:19 it says "Desire realised is sweet to the soul." Aligning to my true purpose (my soul's purpose) has been the most arduous path, the greatest blessing, and most exhilarating journey of my life. I am full of gratitude to all those who have tried to hurt me: You threw rocks at me and I have built foundations with them, upon which I stand. It must be difficult to live life through hatred as you do: I have compassion for your soul to live in such a being. I forgive you. You have a choice to stop living your life through hatred for your self and others. I have chosen love. Love always wins. Love is the miracle cure.

Alchemy of the Heart' by Ram Dass and David Starfire. A meditation that will bathe you in liquid love and alchemise your pain into peace. Alfred Lord Tennyson, Queen Victoria’s Poet Laureate, wrote "Love is the only gold"

Ram Dass said “The most exquisite paradox… as soon as you give it all up, you can have it all. As long as you want power, you can’t have it. The minute you don’t want power, you’ll have more than you ever dreamed possible.” Surrender, let it go and go on about your day. Let go of doubts, worries, negativity, etc. The less you care, the more you get. A strange and alien paradox to be sure that goes against what our Dystopian dysfunctional world tries to con us into believing: That we are unworthy, so that it can sell us stuff to makes us feel worthy. You were born worthy. You simply forgot.

Prayer invokes miracles. In the Bible in Psalm 30:2 it says “Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.” This is why you have been brought to your knees: To pray. This is how you will heal and find abundance: Through prayer, meditation, intuitive wisdom, living in the present moment, taking inspired action without limiting beliefs, then letting go without being attached to the outcome.

What is it like to switch from living from a place of scarcity (ego, lack and fear) to one of love (Higher Power, and abundance)?

Eileen Caddy wrote “Expect your every need to be met. Expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level.” She had many gifts, which she shared with the world. Not least of which her son, who is the embodiment of what it is to BE love. He exemplifies service, gratitude, wisdom, peace, and joy. He saved my life when all was bleak, guiding me from despair and pain to joy and peace. He facilitated my process of becoming, and continues to do so, and does so for so many others. He is a blessing in human form. He is a coach.


Dr Wayne Dyer wrote “Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” For this we need an elevated energetic frequency. When you reach those higher states the illusion of asleep toxic people and their egos dissolves.

As Marcel Proust wrote “The only true voyage, the only bath in the Fountain of Youth, would be not to visit strange lands but to possess other eyes, to see the Universe through the eyes of another, of a hundred others, to see the hundred Universes that each of them sees.”

To be abundant you need to be comfortable with vulnerability. Brené Brown wrote “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome… No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough.You are enough.

Take action and don’t be attached to the outcome. The outcome has nothing to do with your Self-worth: The outcome just is. And a 'no' is more to do with the other person than you. Brené Brown continues “We live in a culture with a strong sense of scarcity. We wake up in the morning and we say, 'I didn't get enough sleep.' And we hit the pillow saying, 'I didn't get enough done.' We're never thin enough, extraordinary enough, or good enough – until we decide that we are... For me, the opposite of scarcity is not abundance. It's enough. I'm enough."

As Michael Neill, supercoach, wrote simply and brilliantly "We are the teacher we need."


Dr Wayne Dyer wrote “Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.” As they say in the film 'Pretty Woman': "What's your dream?"

The wisdom of abundance works in every industry, and may be particularly needed in the ego-based professions such as acting (indeed any kind of performing), medicine, the financial sector, and law. Why is it so prevalent in these professions? Because they self-select for those with ego: Being seen, admired, and in a position of responsibility requires a certain type character: Those who crave admiration and external validation. The trouble is that you are not conscious of it. It's not your fault: None of us are, until we wake up.

Eddie Murphy, the Hollywood actor who truly believed in his dreams, and who is clearly very spiritual, wrote “All men are sculptors, constantly chipping away the unwanted parts of their lives (the ego), trying to create their idea of their masterpiece (your real Self)... I spent my 30's fixing everything I broke in my 20's... There’s always been a lot of negative stuff written about me. That’s why I don’t pay any attention to the critics... I haven’t read a newspaper in 20 years. I don’t look at the computer or anything. You have to have a filter on what you let in... If you’re an artist like a really, really long time, it stops being a performance. I’m not performing anymore. I reveal myself to the audience, I show you some of me. It’s not a show any more... From the very beginning, I always tried to make dialogue flow comfortably; I always did that to make it seem more authentic... All inspiration comes from a Higher Power. The body is a shell. The creative spot is from God – You hear voices, everybody does. When you get older, you refer to it as intuition.” Such wisdom and Truth!

Eddie Murphy brilliantly and succinctly summarising the concepts in this article.

Dale Carnegie said "The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated." The more we seek love from outside ourselves the more we go into survival mode and live in constant fear. Jim Carrey said: “I wish everyone could get rich and famous and have everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that's not the answer.” It really isn't. I have been there, where you are, and I know the journey forwards.

Marianne Williamson, the US Presidential candidate, who brought 'A Course in Miracles' to the mainstream, and the author of the book ‘A Return to Love’: Awakening Your Life's Purpose, wrote “The key to abundance is meeting limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.

Believe in infinite possibility, for it is who you are, not what you do. What you do flows naturally from who you are. The having is then the natural ultimate consequence of your BEing then doing, as naturally as a river flows out to the sea. Let go and let the river and your Self flow.

There is no upper limit to the abundance, emotional and psychological wellbeing, spiritual insight, and heights of your BEing.

Neville Goddard was a modern Master who wrote on the true meaning of the Bible as non-secular history, not historicity (authentic history), and rather simply as parables teaching humanity about the human psyche and the psychological pathway to spiritual awakening and true salvation. His essential teaching was that one's imagination and awareness is God, that we are all God incarnated as human BEings, re-awakening to our God consciousness through the Christ (the power and wisdom of God) within us. He wrote “Claim it; it will respond.” He also stated that “Your world is at is because of your consciousness." For Neville Goddard's complete works, click here:

Emmet Fox wrote in his book 'The Sermon on the Mount', with the subheading 'The key to success in life', that “It seems that human nature is very prone to believe what it wants to believe, rather than to incur the labor of really searching the Scriptures with an open mind.” He continued in the same book that “A general summing up, such as this, is highly characteristic of the old Oriental mode of approach to a religious and philosophical teaching, and it naturally recalls the Eight-fold Path of Buddhism, the Ten Commandments of Moses, and other such compact groupings of ideas. Jesus concerned himself exclusively with the teaching of general principles, and these general principles always had to do with mental states, for he knew that if one’s mental states are right, everything else must be right too, whereas, if these are wrong, nothing else can be right. Unlike the other great religious teachers, he gives us no detailed instructions about what we are to do or are not to do; he does not tell us either to eat or to drink, or to refrain from eating or drinking certain things; or to carry out various ritual observances at certain times and seasons. Indeed, the whole current of his teaching is anti-ritualistic anti-formalist.” Jesus was a metaphysical human being who taught love, BEing, and that we create our world with our mental states. Fox reminds us that this is an active state where we claim it: BEing is a verb and must be claimed: "But you must positively claim health, harmony, and True Place, if you really want those things.” Fox wrote “Nature always takes you at your own valuation. Believe that you are the child of God. Believe that you express Life, Truth, Love. Believe that Wisdom guides you. Believe that you are a special enterprise on the part of God - and what you really believe, that you will demonstrate. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is" (1 John 3:2).

Albert Einstein wrote “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” Our thinking needs to come from who we are BEing. More on this below.

Yet Emmet Fox reminds us not to hustle or worry: “DON’T Hurry. You are going to live forever - somewhere. In fact, you are in eternity now; so why rush? Don’t Worry. What will this thing matter in twenty years’ time? You belong to God, and God is Love; so why fret? Don’t Condemn. As you cannot get under the other fellow’s skin, you cannot possibly know what difficulties he has had to meet - how much temptation, or misunderstanding, or stupidity within himself he has had to overcome. You are not perfect yourself and might be much worse in his shoes. Judge not! Don’t Resent. If wrong has been done, the Great Law will surely take care of it. Rise up in consciousness and set both yourself and the delinquent free. Forgiveness is the strongest medicine. Don’t Grumble. Consume your own smoke. Your own concept is what you see; so treat, and change that. Don’t Grab. You cannot hold what does not belong to you by right of consciousness anyway. Grabbing postpones your good. Don’t Shove. You are always in your right place at the moment. If you don’t like it, change it scientifically by rising in consciousness. This will be permanent.” He continued “The truth is that the Will of God for us always means greater freedom, greater self-expression, wider and newer and brighter experience; better health, greater prosperity, wider opportunity of service to others - life more abundant.” He added “One of the most wonderful things about the Bible teaching is that we get rid of the distinction between the sacred and the secular. That is one of the most important steps in the whole history of the soul. God is present everywhere. For those who understand Jesus’ teaching, it is always the Sabbath Day, and the place whereon they stand is holy ground.” God believes in you even if you don't believe in him or your self. The key is to surrender judgement, your ego, and get out of your own way. Fox concluded in 'The Sermon on the Mount' that “The Bible is really a textbook of metaphysics, a manual for the growth of the soul, and it looks at all questions from this point of view.”

Joseph Campbell, who brought us the 'Hero's Journey' said “Half the people in the world think that the metaphors of their religious traditions, for example, are facts. And the other half contends that they are not facts at all. As a result we have people who consider themselves believers because they accept metaphors as facts, and we have others who classify themselves as atheists because they think religious metaphors are lies.” That's pretty much it.

Neville Goddard has taught us how to consciously create our own reality. You are, at this very moment, drawing into your world that which you are now conscious of being. If you are dissatisfied with your present expression in life, the only way to change it, is to take your attention away from that which seems so real to you (the ego or false self) and rise and expand in consciousness to that which you desire to be (your higher power, your soul, or your true Self). You cannot serve two masters, therefore to take your attention from one state of consciousness (that which you DO NOT wish to experience - the ego) and place it upon another (that which you DO wish to experience - your true Self) is to die to one and live to the other. The poet Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote "Ring out the false, ring in the true."

As Emmet Fox, the spiritual leader who authored "The Sermon on the Mount', wrote with regards to perceived 'challenges', 'obstacles', and 'difficulties 'in life that “It is the (Natural) Law that any difficulties that can come to you at any time, must be exactly what you need most at the moment to enable you to take the next step forward by overcoming them. The only real misfortune, the only real tragedy, comes when we suffer without learning the lesson.” Eckhart Tolle echoed in 'The Power of Now' that "Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment."

Nothing appears or continues in BEing by a power of its own. Events happen because imagination created them, and they continue in BEing only as long as they receive such support. When man solves the mystery of imagining, he will have discovered the secret of causation, and that is: Imagining creates reality. Therefore, the human BEing who is aware of what he is imagining knows what he is creating; realises more and more that the drama of life is imaginal; not physical. Imaginal in contrast to the imaginary, which is often associated with the unreal and fictitious, the imaginal does not make any ontological (with regards to the nature of Being) assumptions as to the reality of the images that compose it. Imagination is the cause, and reality is the effect.

In further regard to the origin of the word 'metaphysics', the Greek translation is 'after the physics'. It has been suggested that the term might have been coined by first century BC Aristotelian editor who diligently arranged the books about this discipline on the shelf after the books on physics. Lord Byron wrote “There are four questions of value in life, Don Octavio. What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love... Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey.”

Plato said "Philosophy begins in wonder." In addition to the description above, Thomas Aquinas (an influential Sicilian philosopher, scholar, and theologian) understood metaphysics to refer to the chronological or pedagogical (in relation to teaching) order among our philosophical studies, so that the 'metaphysical sciences' would mean "Those that we study after having mastered the sciences that deal with the physical world". That is where I am at right now in my life. Thank God. And I don't even believe in a God. I am a scientist and an academic. I used to be an atheist. That was just my ego talking. But I now believe in an unseen higher intelligence that is the Universe. Just look at a starry sky and try to not believe - you can't not believe. Once you are awake you cannot go back to sleep.

An awakened imagination works with a purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable. The world in which we live is a world of imagination, and man - through his imaginal activities - creates the realities and the circumstances of life; this he does either knowingly (awake) or unknowingly (asleep). Did you take the red pill?

All human beings possess the power to create reality, but this power sleeps, when not consciously exercised. We live in the very heart of creation - The human imagination - yet we are no wiser for what takes place therein. Here within the writings of Neville Goddard, which I have laid out as part of this article, you will find the secret to creating your life exactly the way you want it, by using your imagination and creative power.

Neville Lancelot Goddard was born on 19 February 1905 in St. Louis. Michael, Barbados, West Indies. In September 1922 Neville went to the United States to study theatrical art at the age of just seventeen. While travelling with his dance companions across England, Neville met a man who introduced him to the world of metaphysics through a series of books on the power of mind. Inspired by these teachings Neville left his worldly goals behind to pursue the study of spirituality.

It is on this path that he met his teacher Abdullah, who taught Neville the principles of creation, guiding him to deepen in his spiritual journey and leading him on to become one of the world's most recognised teachers on the Law of Attraction. Neville travelled throughout the United States teaching and lecturing on radio and television as well as holding regular public conferences. His recordings are full of spiritual secrets and practical advice offering a treasure to the true seeker. Neville also published a number of books containing spiritual wisdom, instructions, and real life stories from students who had achieved their goals through following his teachings. Neville's millions of followers to this day are testament to how great his teachings and techniques are, which when practiced, will lead the individual to create his own desired reality.

Neville Goddard wrote of decrees, which have the force of (natural) law. He wrote "Man can decree a thing and it will come to pass. Man has always decreed that which has appeared in his world. He is today decreeing that which is appearing in his world, and he shall continue to do so as long as man is conscious of BEing man. Nothing has ever appeared in man's world but what man decreed that it should. This you may deny, but try as you will, you cannot disprove it. For this decreeing is based upon a changeless principle. Man does not command things to appear by his words, which are, more often than not, a confession of his doubts and fears: Decreeing is ever done in consciousness. Every man automatically expresses that which he is conscious of BEing, without effort and without the use of words, at every moment in time: Man is commanding himself to be and to possess that which he is conscious of BEing and possessing. This changeless principle of expression is dramatised in alll the Bibles of the world. The writers of our sacred books were illumined mystics, past Masters in the art of psychology. In telling the story of the soul, they personified this impersonal principle in the form of a historical document, both to preserve it and to hide it from the eyes of the uninitiated." This is no longer the case as every hotel room in the world has a Bible in the drawer. The reason it is still hidden is that very few read the Bible or see it as a psychological metaphorical text, which it is.

In the Bible in Job 22:28 it says "Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways."

In Isaiah 55:11 it states "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."

Neville Goddard continued "Today, those to whom this great treasure has been entrusted, namely the priesthoods of the world, have forgotten that the Bibles are psychological dramas representing the consciousness of man... When man sees the Bible as a great psychological drama, with all its characters and actors as the personified qualities and attributes of his own consciousness, then, and only then, will the Bible reveal to him the light of its symbology (this closely resembles Jungian psychology). This impersonal principle of life, which made all things, is personified as 'God'. This Lord God, creator of Heaven and Earth, is discovered to be man's awareness of BEing. If man were less bound by orthodoxy and more intuitively observant, he could not fail to notice in the reading of the Bibles that the awareness of BEing is revealed hundreds of times throughout this literature." 

For example, Exodus 3:14, where God said to Moses, “'I AM WHO I AM'. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.'" 

Psalm 46:10 states “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the Earth.” 

John 10:9 "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture." 

John 11:25 "Jesus said to Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies." Here, Jesus is referring to a psychological rebirth, cocreated and coparented by ourselves and God. 

John 14:6 "Jesus answered “I am the way and the Truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."" 

Neville Goddard continues "If man would give up his belief in a God apart from himself, recognise his awareness of BEing to be God, this awareness fashions itself in the likeness and image of its conception of itself, he would transform his world from a barren waste (hell) to a fertile field of his own liking (heaven). The day man does this he will know that he and his father are one, but his father is greater than he. He will know that his consciousness of BEing is one with that which he is conscious of BEing, but that his unconditioned consciousness of BEing (your higher power) is greater than his conditioned state, or his conception of himself (your ego or false self). When man discovers his consciousness to be the impersonal power of expression, which power eternally personifies itself and his conceptions of himself, he will assume and appropriate that state of consciousness which he desires to express (your higher power or true Self). In so doing he will become that state in expression (your higher Self). You shall decree a thing and it will come to pass. You shall become conscious of BEing or possessing a thing, and you shall express or possess that which you are conscious of BEing. The Law of Consciousness is the only law of expression: "I AM the way. I am the resurrection." Consciousness is the way, as well as the power which resurrects and expresses all that man will ever be conscious of BEing. Turn from the blindness of the uninitiated (asleep, fearful) man who attempts to express and possess those qualities and things which he is not conscious of BEing and possessing. Be as the illumined mystic who decrees on the basis of this changeless law: Consciously claim your Self to be that which you seek. Appropriate the consciousness of that which you see and you too will know the status of the true mystic as follows: 'I became conscious of BEing it. I am still conscious of BEing it. And I shall continue to be conscious of BEing it until that which I am conscious of BEing is perfectly expressed. Yes I shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass." These principles are deeply embedded in all of the healing disciplines as metaphors for the transformative journey.

'How to Ask I-AM to Get Anything you Want in Life' by Neville Goddard. Have you asked God for something and you didn't get your prayer answered? Well you were asking in the wrong way: The wisdom is that you must know is that you can't find God anywhere else, but inside yourself. You and your I AM (your higher power), that is God, dwells inside you: It's your own wonderful Human Imagination, that is God Himself. The most important thing to do to have anything that you want is to ask "I AM" This video shows you the best way 'How to Ask "I Am", in order to Manifest Anything you want in life.'

When you choose to be and make all choices from your higher power, a place of love, you will become as new: Transformed from ego to higher power. It says in the Bible 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."

Eckhart Tolle is widely recognised as one of the most inspiring and visionary spiritual teachers in the world today: The New York Times has described him as “The most popular spiritual author in the United States.” In 2011, Watkins Review named him “the most spiritually influential person in the world.” Eckhart Tolle speaks about abundance and the fullness of life that Jesus referred to: "When Jesus said in John 10:10 “I want you to have the fullness of life,” what was he referring to? Was he referring to material abundance? Was he saying, “I want you to buy more things; I want you to build bigger shopping centres so that you really can have abundance?” No, he was not referring to shopping or buying more stuff (that never brings lasting joy). He (Jesus) was referring to a state of consciousness - the realisation of a dimension in which nothing is missing; in which there is the realisation that you, in the essence of who you are, are already whole, unbroken, and totally complete. In that state of awareness you can sense the fullness of life that is here, now, and that is inseparable from who you are. If you want to put a label to it, it is the consciousness itself out of which everything comes - the consciousness that creates everything. I’m referring now to primordial consciousness in its original state before the Universe came into being. What was there before the Big Bang? No scientist can find an answer, but that is the primordial state of consciousness - the state before the Big Bang, which in historical terms was billions of years ago, but that is in you now and is in every human. Why? Because you are a microcosm of the entire universe, and the entire history of the Universe is contained in you.

The timeless dimension of pure consciousness that gave rise and continuously gives rise to the world is present in you as you. If you become very still, you become aware that you are that consciousness. That’s the fullness of life. Whatever you achieve in this world or whatever you get is secondary. It comes out of that; it is created by that; and it will return to that. Nothing that you create in the world of form lasts very long. When you are no longer looking to the world of form to satisfy you, because you have found the source of all satisfaction in the depths of the here and now, that is the realisation of the fullness of life.

Let’s say you live in a very unpleasant place and you’d like to have a more pleasant place to live. When you realise the fullness of life, you can then take a mental image of the place you’d rather be in and you can merge it, so to speak, with the realisation of the fullness of life. That means you feel that you already have it. Whatever you want to have, you no longer want to have: You feel it is already there because it is contained in the primordial consciousness. And that’s what Jesus meant when he said that when you pray for something, believe that you have received it. He didn’t say 'Believe that you will have it: He said 'Believe that you have received it.'

Now, when you do get what you wanted, you don’t shout, 'Yeah! I’ve got it! Now I need to hold on to it!' That immediately brings in fear, and you’re lost again. Instead, you simply say, 'Oh, how nice.' You didn’t need it for your fulfilment because that is already there."

C.S. Lewis wrote that "When Christ is at the centre of your being, you will find life." You will find out who you really are. In essence, you will experience the absolute fullness of life.

Neville Goddard taught that your 'Faith is your Fortune', and emphasised the critical importance of feeling, which comes from your heart, the dwelling of your soul and your highest wisdom, saying “Sensation precedes manifestation and is the foundation upon which all manifestation rests… You must assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled until your assumption has all the sensory vividness of reality.” Ok, so what is manifestation?


Manifestation is the creative process of aligning with the energy of the Universe to co-create an experience with your higher power that elevates your spirit and the spirit of the world.

Manifestation is the key to abundance. Manifesting isn’t about getting; it’s about becoming. That's the conception that the 'influencers' fail to understand or make. The more you let go, the more you become a match for what you desire. As you let go of the ‘little me’, the ego, and feel worthy as the highest and true version of you, your higher power, you will magnetise, manifest, and attract abundance to you; without additional effort.

Become tuned in to the energy of abundance

Your ability to magnetise and manifest what you desire is rooted in how worthy you believe you are of receiving it. The problem is that feeling unworthy is the human condition.


Manifesting is cultivating the experience of what it is that you want to feel - and then living and believing in that experience so that you can allow it to come into physical form. To feel, you have to let your true Self feel, and that involves allowing your Self to be vulnerable and authentic. This is incredibly hard for most of us: We are so used to presenting a face to the world that is not who we are. We are terrified of being rejected and abandoned if we show who we truly are. What we don't realise is that other people love our authentic Self. Even we don't love our fake self. Yet we are able to manifest things far beyond our wildest dreams. So when manifesting, it’s important to stay open to possibilities that are beyond what you think you need. When you align with the loving energy of the Universe, there are no limits to what you can attract.

Do you want to know the secret to manifesting? Manifesting isn’t about getting or grabbing; it’s about allowing. It's about getting our ego out of our own way. As soon as you let go of control, as your ego, you become a magnet for what your higher power, your soul, desires. Too often, people try to control everything (out of fear and in order to avoid pain) and end up feeling stuck, deadened, uninspired, blocked, or powerless. This is why you down caffeine like a drug. Instead, you need to harness the creative forces within you, take powerful actions to become an abundant attractor and relax: "All is well." In fact all is miraculous. As Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists of all time, wrote "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." I choose miracles. Do you?

Neville Goddard wrote “Stop trying to change the world since it is only the mirror. Man’s attempt to change the world by force is as fruitless as breaking a mirror in the hope of changing his face. Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself.” This is a metaphor but it rings true.

The reality is that changing your face won't make any difference: Your face will be beautiful if you have a beautiful heart. Your face will not be beautiful if you have an ugly heart. You need to change from choosing your ego to choosing your soul. In other words from choosing fear to choosing love. For it is a choice, and one that you can make daily when you wake up. As Marianne Williamson wrote about the Course in Miracles "A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love."

There are many important elements of attracting your desires. But the number one key to manifesting is to cultivate the energy of what you want to experience. Cultivating the energy of what you want is crucial because manifesting happens on the level of energy. It doesn’t matter how many vision boards you make or affirmations you say.

Do not speculate on the how. You don’t need to know. Needing to know is the way of the ego. Neville Goddard wrote “Do not speculate on the howThe depth of your own BEing has ways and means that you, the conscious surface being, know not of. It knows exactly how to do it. Don’t ask how it’s going to be done.” You don’t need to know. As my own coach says (yes, all good coaches have coaches as we believe in the power of coaching) "How is for cows." You are not a cow. Needing to know is the way of the ego. Ultimately, it’s all about your energy. Manifesting is the process of vibrating at a high frequency so that you become a vibrational match with the Universe and can co-create your world. In fact what you are doing is co-parenting your Self with God. You are giving birth to your own saviour through cocreating your higher power with God.

We’re all beings made of energy, like everything else in the Universe. When you look closely in, deep inside the Large Hadron Collider, there is no matter: Just space and energy. Quantum physics is bringing science closer to reality.

When our energy vibrates at a low level, we attract low-level circumstances. But when our energy is in a high vibration, we attract positive outcomes. It’s the Truth. Here’s an example. Let’s say you want to create more abundance  in your life, but what you feel in your daily life is a sense of lack or deprivation. You think a lot about what you don’t have, and you compare yourself to people who have more. Since what you’re feeling is a sense of lack, you manifest more lack. This is because each thought and feeling we have sends an energetic message to the Universe. And the Universe always responds in kind. The Universe will deliver us people, experiences and outcomes that match our vibrational frequency. You can write a million times in your journal, “I am abundant,” but if you don’ feel abundant, you won’t attract abundance. You may as well save your Self time, energy, effort, and ink.

It’s important to understand that we’re always manifesting, whether we’re conscious of it or not. Most of our conscious mind is asleep. Our true power lies in our subconscious mind, which we need to bring to the light and awaken.

What is it that you want? Become unapologetic about what you want. Own it. Believe it. Trust that it can be yours. Write it down right now. "I want to attract more abundance into my life." "I want to attract my life partner." "I want to attract purpose, joy, and peace."

Neville Goddard wrote “Your attention is the sap of the tree of life that is the Universe. Become indifferent to problems. Just think about the solution… Results will follow as sure as day follows night.” It's always darkest before the dawn, so don't give up: You are almost there. In fact, as Ram Dass wrote in his most famous book, you simply need to fully "Be Here Now."

The biggest manifesting misconception around and proliferates on social media by people who are pretending to be who they are not is that all you have to do is make a vision board and write a few affirmations in your journal, and then the exact thing you desire will magically appear before you. Yes, that works, just like wishing for a unicorn: Not! Vision boards and affirmations are great because they offer clarity. I love both of them! But by only using those, we can get caught up in thinking that we know what’s best. The Universe knows best.

We get very attached to a specific outcome or want things to happen on a particular timeline. When we do this, we cut off Universal guidance and shift into manic manifesting out of fear and lack. We feel the short-lived chemical rush that the ego thrives on. You need to trust that the Universe has a plan greater than yours. When you surrender to the art of manifesting, you can trust that spirit is guiding you toward your desires - and much more. You will know when you are coming from your highest Self in alignment with the plan that the Universe has for you when you feel bliss (which can be a physical sensation of tingling in the hands and body), love, peace, joy, serenity, and passion.

Once you have taken action, release it to the Universe, and trust that it’s being taken care of. Ignore the social media 'likes': They are meaningless 'imitation love.' You can say this simple prayer to turn over your desire: “I step back and let the Universe lead the way. Let me be a channel for thy peace. Thy will be done. I give my life for God to guide today. Thank you, Amen.” Expressing gratitude is essential. Let go and trust the process. My psychiatrist said to me "Nature knows what it is doing." Fear and Faith do not live in the same house. Don’t try to “make it happen”: That involves fighting the Universe – you will never win that battle. Trying to control and force things to happen is a deeply ingrained habit for most of us. Letting go is the process of deidentifying with the ego and reidentifying with your higher Self. If you’re on a spiritual path, you may have done some tough and beautiful work to release this pattern already. You have made the ground fertile. You now need to plant the seeds and step back. But the ego’s need to control is sneaky, cunning, baffling, and powerful, and we can easily fall back into this pattern of trying to control everything without realising. The ego keeps coming back like The Terminator: The ego wants to be the 'Terminator of Your Dreams'. Choosing your higher power over your dream-destroying ego is a daily practice. There are no hacks or short cuts. That is simply the Truth. But it is your choice. In response to your ego's "I'll be back", decree "No you won't." Become the Sarah Connor of your own life and destiny.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, widely regarded as the greatest and most influential writer in the German language, wrote 'Faust', a play about a man who sells his soul to the Devil, which is sometimes considered Germany's greatest contribution to world literature. The play treats man’s sense of alienation. If we feel alone, like an alien dropped off on Earth without a map, then we cannot help but be in survival mode: This is the domain of the ego. The erudite Faust is highly successful yet dissatisfied with his life, which leads him to make a pact with the Devil at a crossroads, exchanging his soul for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures. Does this sound familiar? It's the way that society tries to condition us. But it needn't be that way. Goethe wrote that “Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever.” This is the domain of the soul. Choose love (the higher Self, the soul, and abundance) over fear (the ego and lack). Make all your choices through love.

Thomas Aquinas wrote “The highest manifestation of life consists in this: That a BEing governs its own actions. A thing which is always subject to the direction of another is somewhat of a dead thing.” You are co-creating with God. There is no higher authority, despite all the egos and misguided institutions that believe that they have authority: They don't and you will watch them tumble, fall, and be destroyed under the weight of their crushing lack of compassion.

Denis Diderot, the French philosopher, art critic, and writer, was a prominent figure during the Age of Enlightenment. When he decided to become a writer in 1734, his father disowned him. He was faced with the conflict between attachment to his family and expressing authenticity from his soul. He chose the latter, thankfully for us. His father was enraged. Yet who knows his father’s name now? 

The success of any creative or writer is based on how authentic they are. Diderot wrote “When science, art, literature, and philosophy are simply the manifestation of personality they are on a level where glorious and dazzling achievements are possible, which can make a man's name live for thousands of years.” Think Jesus, Vincent van Van Gogh, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and Immanuel Kant. Will anyone be speaking about Boris Johnson and Donald Trump in 2000 years? I think not: Except perhaps in comedies.

Authenticity is key: As Eileen Caddy wrote “What is right for one soul may not be right for another. It may mean having to stand on your own and do something strange in the eyes of others… A human being is a single being. Unique and unrepeatable.” We should not strive in competition, but in authenticity. She continued “Seek always for the answer within. Be not influenced by those around you, by their thoughts or their words.” Let go of all external validation. Neville Goddard wrote “Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realise you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions… Your world is your consciousness objectified. Waste no time trying to change the outside; change the within or the impression; and the without or expression will take care of itself. When the Truth of this statement dawns upon you, you will know that you have found the lost word or the key to every door. I AM (your consciousness) is the magical lost word which was made flesh in the likeness of that which you are conscious of BEing.”

Manifesting is known as co-creating because it’s a collaboration between you and the Universe. When we take spiritually aligned action, we can trust that an energy beyond our own is working on our behalf and that everything is working out for us - even if we don’t know exactly when or how it will happen. Our comfort in not knowing (of stepping out into the void and trusting that the net will appear and that we will grow wings to fly instead of falling) is proportional to our perceived likelihood of 'success'. Take inspired intuitive action, let go and trust. Faith is experiential. But you have to take the leap into infinite possibility. And that requires courage. I know that you have it in you. I know because I have taken the leap, the net appeared, and my wings appeared. I did not fall: I became. Neither will you if you trust the process.

Faith is spiritualised creativity. Neville Goddard wrote “Imagination and faith are the secrets of creation… Where knowledge ends... feeling and imagination begin… Faith is being loyal to your unseen reality within... There is no limit to your creative power… Imagination has full power of objective realisation, and every stage of man’s progress or regression is made by the exercise of imagination.”

Neville Goddard uses the metaphor of sculpting (like Eddie Murphy above) who you truly are “When a sculptor looks at a formless piece of marble, he sees, buried within its formless mass, his finished piece of art. The sculptor, instead of making his masterpiece, merely reveals it by removing that part of the marble which hides his conception. The same applies to you.”

You chip away at your ego when you surrender, revealing the real you. When the brilliant divinely inspired artist Michelangelo, history's greatest sculptor, was asked how he sculpted his masterpiece the Statue of David he replied "It is easy, I saw the angel in the marble and carved it until I set him free. The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there. I just have to chisel away the superfluous material." This suggests divine providence or intuition as the true origin of creativity and that Mastery can be effortless when we are in pursuit of Truth and the beauty within. This is a powerful template for our own transformation. As we chip away, heal and grow, by letting go of what we are not, we find that we are already whole and beautiful within. Our true Self is already complete, eternal and unchangeable: The task of our lifetime is to allow it to show forth. We must chip away at our judgments, ego, limiting beliefs, separation, and fears to unveil this Self. And how beautiful it is in everyone. It is so tragic that we so rarely get to see it. So many die before they do.

Eckhart Tolle describes the process as 'conscious manifestation'. He says "One of the keys to conscious manifestation is to be anchored in 'presence' - the feeling of “I AM” and our only true source of fulfilment. When we are connected with presence, we create from a place of joy, appreciation, and sufficiency. Conscious manifestation differs from manifesting from the ego in some very important ways: When we manifest from ego, we tend to have a feeling of lack and scarcity. With conscious manifestation, we create from a feeling of abundance, rooted in the fullness and richness of the present moment. (Tolle describes this as) BEing “In touch with the gold.” When we manifest from ego, we tend to ask, “How can I get what I want?” With conscious manifestation, we ask, “What does the Universe want from me?” (It's a switch from transactional relationships to unconditional love.) When we manifest from ego, we rely on our personal willpower. With conscious manifestation, we are able to rely on the power of Universal intelligence. When we manifest from ego, we often have negative thoughts and doubts when we encounter obstacles. With conscious manifestation, when we encounter obstacles, we look at situations wisely and see what’s possible. The Universe loves to create. When we learn how to consciously manifest, we become vehicles of creative intelligence." Eckhart Tolle adds "Manifestation can only be satisfying and truly effective when it arises out of the BEing state of consciousness.” He says that "The real question is what is it that wants to manifest through this form? It's no longer 'This is what I want,' the surface I." This is the shift required to manifest successfully. Its a shift from ego to your higher power. He advises to do whatever it is that you are doing, but bring stillness and presence into it. The realisation of what it is that you need to do comes to you. He continues "Or you wake up one morning and say 'Ah. This is what I have to do.' And then you start taking action. Always making sure you're not so attached to the outcome that you think it's more important than the present moment. An action can become egoic when you lose your self in the doing... Obstacles come all the time. If you get upset, that means that the ego is back in the doing. If you're not upset, you're still present and you look at whatever the obstacle is and you look at it with this penetrating gaze of presence, which is stillness also, you look at whatever this, the obstacle arises, you bring this penetrating stillness to it and that is like a light shines on it. And then that dissolves the obstacle or it shows you a way round it. That's the power of consciousness. It always happens. Either it shows you how to get around it or it shows you how to use the very force of the obstacle. And you turn it around. You don't meet it head on and start complaining saying 'No this should't be happening.' You turn it around, and the very power that was against you then works for you and you achieve your goal through that (like a martial arts move where you use the force and weight of the opponent to throw them.) It happens, and this is the wisdom that comes with non-resistance. So whenever you go into this conscious doing, resistance always pulls you back into unconscious doing. It can easily happen, because it's an old habit pattern, unconscious doing. Inner resistance to whatever arises on the present moment pulls you back. Inner resistance is some form of negativity, some form of complaining, some form of fear, aggression, anger. And this is important, because whenever you complain about what somebody else does (and try to blame them) then you are already beginning to fall into that trap of unconsciousness. And of course you, yes, you meet lots of people who are strill trapped in ego and they may not like what you do. No judgement (from you): Just look at what they say this, they want that. Never any judgement of a person or situation. Just clear seeing, clear facing. This is the power. It's like a light beam of consciousness. It falls onto, illuminates that situation, that moment, that person. That's the power of consciousness. No resistance. Jesus already talked about the power of non-resistance and that the moment resistance comes you're drawn back into form. Protection, resistance, fighting. It's a shift from the way of doing that has been with us for thousands of years and a new way of doing that is arising only now. So you are transitional beings between the old consciousness and the new. And don't judge your Self if you fall back occasionally into the old consciousness, but you will quickly know it. How will you know it? (Because) you begin to suffer. You get upset about situations, people, what somebody said, what somebody did or failed to do. There's a sign that you have fallen back: A beautiful line in 'The Course in Miracles': 'I am never upset for the reason I think.' There's a disagreement with the isness of the present moment. Now the deeper meaning of this of course is you are upset, because you have lost awareness of BEing, your identity. And the reason you think is superficial. If when you lose connectedness with BEing, just wait a few minutes and something or somebody will upset you. And so if we believe that which seems to causer the upset is the actual cause, this is not the case." I have found this to be so true. I will tell you this: If someone is upset with you, it's actually nothing to do with you or the reason they are claiming to be upset. It's because that person is spiritually sick and has not done the inner work. So they hate themselves, they have no self-worth, they are full of fear of showing their true selves to the world, and they blame everyone and everything except themselves. So they try to project their fears onto you. They become obsessed by it. This is a frequent event as most people are asleep and come only from ego. This whole journey is one of moving from ego (fear) to your higher power (love). What gets upset is not them, it's the ego in them. The ego is the erroneous identification with form, a false sense of I, which wanted something to make itself feel more at ease; to ease it's pain; to make it feel more loved or bigger or more important; it's frustrated in it's aims. The ego in another person will try to use you to ease their pain. This is what internet trolls do. If you stop easing their pain stemming from their conditioned lack of self-worth for a moment they will blame all their long-standing pain on you. If it's hysterical it's always historical. Run as fast as you can from people like that. It's not your job to do their inner work for them. You can only work on your Self. And so can they: If they so choose. The only person who is responsible for your own happiness is you.

Eckhart Tolle continues All you need is to know when you are upset or not in everyday life. Now for many walking egos, upset is their normal state. They might not know it anymore because they're upset virtually all the time, and just waiting for some thing to happen to explain (as an excuse - as Tolle says they are grievances looking for a cause) why they are upset again." The Truth is that they were always upset, even before they met you. Run a mile from these people: They are toxic as they usually refuse to awaken due to their deep lack of insight. Tolle continues "Stillness, that's the return journey. So can we be then simultaneously in the return journey to the source of life, the spiritual dimension, God, stillness and still be active in this world? And then if we are that, what we then do in this world becomes empowered by the intelligence that emanates from the source and then the source creates through you. The power of the source is then no longer distorted by the ego and its power is greatly diminished to a trickle. So the source is like light, you can say sunlight wanting to shine through fully, but for a long time it's become reduced to a tiny little hole. And there's this little bit of light coming through just to keep you going, and now it can come through and use you. Perhaps it simply want to create beauty or forms that are alive and joyful and enjoy that. (The ego) has enjoyed the drama of people cutting each other to pieces for hundreds of thousands of years. The movie is changing now. There's a change happening. And of course, there comes a point in your life when the source may become much more important than whatever you do and you are just still and you emanate that stillness. And then you affect the world around you without any doing. If you just be there and whoever you come into contact with, there's almost I could say transmission, even if they don't notice it. How much varies from person to person. Some will be very active and into conscious doing and create and enjoy the creation. And others may do relatively little or may just continue to do what they're doing already, but whatever they are doing will be a vehicle for consciousness or stillness that flows into it. This power this is a beautiful energy that flows. (The people that you interact with) go away blessed with that energy."

Harness your energy and light but use it wisely, always supervised by your higher power.

Make sure that your desire is backed by divine inspiration and service to others. Eileen Caddy wrote “A soul without a high aim is like a ship without a rudder.” When the desire that you are manifesting is aligned with service and inspiration, it’s invincible. You might be thinking, “How do I know if my desire is backed with service and inspiration?” Or, “What if what I want isn’t about changing the world? What if I want to find love or get out of debt? How is that of service to others?” If your desire brings you sincere joy, then it’s backed with inspiration! And as long as you surrender to the highest good for all, the Universe will support it. And it will feel amazing! You will know. Here’s how to clear up the energy behind your desire: Ask yourself, “Does this desire make me feel inspired and serve others?” Open your journal and write about how your desire lights you up inside. Write about how your inspiration and positive energy serves others. When you align your energy with service and inspiration, you can trust that it will propel your vision forward like a fully charged Tesla. Let your Self cultivate the feelings of joy, inspiration and great contribution. Give yourself permission to celebrate your desires! Neville Goddard wrote “A change of feeling is a change of destiny… The difference between FEELING yourself in action, here and now, and visualising yourself in action, as though you were on a motion-picture screen, is the difference between success and failure… If you do not feel natural about what you want to be, you will not be it... Capture the feeling associated with your realised wish by assuming the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of the thing you desire, and your wish will objectify itself… Feeling is the secret.” He added “How successful you are on the outside is directly related to how relaxed you feel inside. Your emotional sense of well-being dictates your life.


Instead of saving your manifesting practices for “special” places and times, infuse them into your daily life. Commit to praying, giving gratitude, and meditating every morning, even if that means sitting in stillness for a couple of minutes and tuning in with your breath. This will give you support and guidance.

Oprah Winfrey wrote "Essentially, manifestation is bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief, i.e. if you think it, it will come. However, there is more to manifestation than willpower and positive thinking. As Angelina Lombardo, the author of Spiritual Entrepreneur, says, “Manifesting is making everything you want to feel and experience a reality... Via your thoughts, actions, beliefs, and emotions. While everyone approaches manifestation differently, Lombardo believes most follow the same basic principles. First - and perhaps most importantly - you need to know exactly what you want. “You are the only one who dreams your dreams, so whether it’s a new partner and a healthy relationship or a better job, know it and own it,” she says. Whatever you desire, though, one thing is essential: Make your intention as specific as possible. Lombardo says, “The more clear and concise, the better.” Instead of, for example, saying, “I want to meet my soul mate,” develop a detailed picture of what that person would look like (think: qualities, characteristics, values, etc.) When you’ve pinpointed exactly what your hopes, dreams, and goals are, you need to ask the Universe for what you want. This can be done in a variety of ways - prayer, meditation, visualisation, speaking your intentions out loud, a vision board and/or a “future box,” which is a container full of pictures of items you want to manifest- but you need to say exactly what you want. You can also write your intention down on paper. But it can also be as simple as a letter to the Universe. According to Gabrielle Bernstein, author of Super Attractor and The Universe Has Your Back, “Manifesting is also known as co-creating because it’s a collaboration between you and the Universe.” Which is exactly why knowing what you want is only half the battle - you will not see any results without action. “Another way to be ‘in action’ when manifesting is to ask yourself the question, What would my future self be thinking?” Lombardo says. The reason? Reframing your mind can (and will) enable you to be successful. “‘Being’ the person who already has, does, and feels your goals, dreams, and desires helps you become that person,” adds Lombardo. While you may not get everything you envision in the order and time frame you want, you should receive and acknowledge what you do get - no matter how big or small it may be. According to Lombardo, gratitude is key. To do this, consider creating a gratitude journal. Before bed, spend five to 10 minutes writing down a few things for which you are grateful, as well as anything that happened that day to bring you closer to whatever it is you’re trying to manifest. In addition to changing your mindset and behaviors, you will need to remove any obstacles or limiting beliefs that may cloud your vision, including fear and negative self-talk. “Telling yourself you’re not good enough, you’re not worthy enough, you’re not smart enough, you’re not enough - it’s a tape that’s playing for a lot of people,” Oprah said during an episode of Oprah’s Lifeclass. “If you’re not conscious of that, then you end up acting out of that belief system and not what you know to be the truest or want to be the truest for yourself. You don’t become what you want, because so much of wanting is about living in the space of what you don’t have. To move past your limiting beliefs, it’s essential that you first identify what exactly they are. To do this, ask yourself: What are the beliefs I have about myself that may be inhibiting my progress? “Write down your answers,” Bernstein recommends in Add More Ing to Your Life. “Cross out the limiting beliefs and write your new affirmations in their place. Jot down your answers, and then replace any negative feelings with positive ones. If your limiting belief is ‘I am incomplete without a man,’ reverse it with ‘I am complete as I am.’ If your limiting belief is ‘I'm not good enough,’ reverse it with ‘I am wonderful as I am today.’ Energy is everything. “The energy we put out in the world is the energy we get back,” she says in The Wisdom of Sundays. Which means if you are continually sending out negative energy - through either your thoughts or feelings - you will attract that same energy back to you, according to Oprah’s Super Soul Conversation with Michael Bernard Beckwith. On the flip side, though, if you are able to shift your energy (a practice sometimes referred to as raising your vibrations), you'll also attract more positivity, which will help you realise your goals.

Luckily, lifting your energy is actually quite simple: Just focus on activities that cultivate feelings of joy and happiness - whether that’s doing something kind for someone else (helping a friend or family member, donating to a meaningful organisation, volunteering), starting each morning with a meditation session or a quick yoga class, spending some time in nature, or treating yourself to some well-deserved self-care. Trust the process: The steps you take do not matter as much as your belief, so “Trust your actions, visions, and clarity as well as the ‘powers that be,’” Lombardo says. Faith is a powerful motivator and guiding force. The process for manifesting money follows the same steps previously mentioned; however, Marla McKenna, the author of Manifesting Your Dreams, emphasises that financial manifestation is rooted in gratitude (well, and working). “The trick for manifesting money is looking at the abundance you already have and expressing gratitude for it,” McKenna says. “So even if you’re struggling to pay bills, raise your vibration and block any limiting beliefs by welcoming the money and prosperity that is on the way. In short, focus on what you have, not what you don’t have.” McKenna also suggests using visual tools to keep you driven and focused. “Buy a bigger purse, visualise swimming in a pool of cash, make a money tree of monopoly money until you can replace it with real money, or write a large check to yourself knowing that one day you will indeed cash it.” If you see it and feel it, you will achieve it, at least according to McKenna. “The easiest way to manifest anything is to be clear about what you want. Don’t give the universe mixed signals... and take action. Working toward your goals is imperative.” You should also remain receptive.

Ask the Universe for what you want and keep an eye out for signs of achievement or success. “The only thing stopping you from manifesting your dreams is you,” McKenna says. “What you can visualise in your mind, you can hold in your hands. So get to work! You have manifesting to do!



Who are you anyway? There is a Sufi saying "Don’t cut the person to fit the cloth." We need to shift our focus away from living 'outside in' through external validation to living 'inside out' through looking inwards and gaining wisdom. What is it to be human? Plato wrote "Man - a BEing in search of meaning." Epictetus, the brilliant Stoic Greek philosopher, wrote "No man is free who is not master of himself." You become master of your Self by BEing. What is BEing? Epictetus wrote "First say to yourself what you would BE; and then do what you have to do." When you step into your soul, which is your higher power, your doing flows from that place of BEing. The BEing comes first and all else will follow. Knowing who you are is an essential foundation of abundance: As Epictetus wrote "Know, first, who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly." As Epictetus wrote “Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it.” He most famously wrote “Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems... It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.”

BEing is seeing the Universe through new eyes: To have a perceptual shift. Marcel Proust wrote “The only true voyage, the only bath in the Fountain of Youth, would be not to visit strange lands but to possess other eyes, to see the Universe through the eyes of another, of a hundred others, to see the hundred universes that each of them sees... The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.

BEing is the immaculate conception through cocreation, like Mary, Jesus’ mother, of your saviour. Your saviour is you: Your super-coach is you. The new you, your higher power. I am here simply to sling-shot you into possibility. You were born with infinite possibility, and then the world came along and created fear and all your limiting beliefs by telling you that you are not good enough. Neville Goddard wrote “Each person is born with an infinite power, against which no earthly force is of the slightest significance.

It is impossible to describe BEing in words. BEing is a feeling. Neville Goddard wrote "Awareness of being is not possible to be defined." 

Carl Jung wrote “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

The Buddha said "What we think, we become. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world."

Eckhart Tolle wrote "On the one hand, your life purpose unfolds through the activities that you engage in on what I call “the horizontal dimension” - or the dimension of doing. Many teachings on manifestation focus almost exclusively on this dimension, suggesting that if you get what you want, you will be happy. But that’s a fallacy; everybody eventually finds if they only operate on the horizontal dimension they may get what they want, but it doesn’t ultimately satisfy them. There is another dimension that I call “the vertical dimension,” or the dimension of BEing, which is equally important to be aware of when we talk about manifestation. The mastery of life is to have them both in your life. I sometimes call it the dance between BEing and doing - not as separate things, but acting together - BEing and doing as one."


Neville Goddard wrote “You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe this is the only reason you do not see it… Disregard appearances, conditions, in fact all evidence of your senses that deny the fulfilment of your desire. Rest in the assumption that you are already what you want to be, for in that determined assumption you and your Infinite BEing are merged in creative unity, and with your Infinite BEing all things are possible… Whatever you desire, believe that you have received it, and you will... To reach a higher level of being, you must assume a higher concept of yourself.”

Neville Goddard wrote “I AM is a feeling of permanent awareness. The very centre of consciousness is the feeling of I AM.” He added “The ideal you seek and hope to attain will not manifest itself, will not be realised by you, until you have imagined that you are already that ideal... Only as one is willing to give up his present limitations and identity can he become that which he desires to be.

BEing is the result of a transformative journey. Neville Goddard wrote “The journey of life is a mental one, which is taking place in the sea of illusion… All transformation begins with an intense, burning desire to be transformed. The first step in the 'renewing of the mind' is desire. You must want to be different [and intend to be] before you can begin to change yourself. Then you must make your future dream a present fact. You do this by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled. By desiring to be other than what you are, you can create an ideal of the person you want to be and assume that you are already that person. If this assumption is persisted in until it becomes your dominant feeling, the attainment of your ideal is inevitable… You must assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled until your assumption has all the sensory vividness of reality. You must imagine that you are already experiencing what you desire. That is, you must assume the feeling of the fulfilment of your desire until you are possessed by it and this feeling crowds all other ideas out of your consciousness… Health, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they are only manifested by the arrangement of your mind-that is, by your concept of yourself, and your concept of yourself is all that you accept and consent to as true.

Neville Goddard wrote “Your opinion of yourself is your most important viewpoint. You are infinitely greater than you think you are.

Neville Goddard wrote “Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change… The world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing, within yourself... If you will assume your desire and live there as though it were true, no power on earth can stop it from becoming a fact.

Neville Goddard wrote “The world is yourself pushed out. Ask yourself what you want and then give it to yourself! Do not question how it will come about; just go your way knowing that the evidence of what you have done must appear, and it will.

Prayer and meditation are key to abundance through BEing. Neville Goddard wrote “Man must learn to believe in that which he does not, at the moment, see in order to grant himself that which he desires to have. Man's prayers are always answered, for he always receives that which he believes. The law that governs prayer is impersonal. Belief is the condition necessary to realise the desire. No amount of pleas or ritual will bring about the fulfilment of your desires other than the belief that you are or have that which you want… With your desire defined, quietly go within and shut the door behind you. Lose yourself in your desire; feel yourself to be one with it; remain in this fixation until you have absorbed the life and name by claiming and feeling yourself to be and to have that which you desired. When you emerge from the hour of prayer you must do so conscious of being and possessing that which you heretofore desired… Praying, is recognising yourself to be that which you desire to be, rather than begging God for that which you desire.

Neville Goddard compared prayer to a master key to all that life has to offer us in abundance: “Prayer is the master key. A key may fit one door of a house, but when it fits all doors, it may well claim to be a master key. Such and no less a key is prayer to all earthly problems… Prayer succeeds by avoiding conflict. Prayer is, above all things, easy. Its greatest enemy is effort.”

Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote “Pray for my soul. More things are wrought by prayer Than this world dreams of: Wherefore, let thy voice, rise like a fountain for me night and day.”

Neville Goddard wrote “Public opinion will not long endure a theory that does not work in practice.” Prayer works!

With regards to meditation, Neville Goddard wrote “All meditation ends at last with the thinker, and he finds he is what he, himself, has conceived.”


Neville Goddard wrote “Man's chief delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness.” The journey of BEing involves expanding your consciousness. He advised “To rise in consciousness to the level of the thing desired and to remain there until such level becomes your nature is the way of all seeming miracles… Unless man discovers that his consciousness is the cause of every expression of his life, he will continue seeking the cause of his confusion in the world of effects, and so, shall die in his fruitless search… Learn to shake yourself loose from what the world believes is the only reality... You rise to a higher level of consciousness by taking your attention away from your present limitations and placing it upon that which you desire to be."

When you are brought to your knees in life, Neville Goddard wrote that “You will find that you are not a victim of fate, but a victim of Faith.” Faith is your superpower. But you have to let go and believe in a higher power first. Neville Goddard defined faith as “Faith is being loyal to your unseen reality within.”

Neville Goddard wrote “Never claim, ‘I shall be that.’ Let all claims from now on be, ‘I am that I am.'” What is the importance of BEing? Neville Goddard wrote “Nothing comes from without. All things come from within.” This is how the ‘Dragons’ in ‘Dragon’s Den’ choose their business to invest in: They are buying into the person, not the idea.

This is why Eckhart Tolle wrote "The source of all abundance is not outside you. It is part of who you are."

Freeing your mind

Neville Goddard wrote about the path to success that you should “Begin with Self.” He added that “The cornerstone on which all things are based is man’s concept of himself.” You are a limitless BEing, held back by your false beliefs. Your mind is in prison. It’s time to set your Self free from the chains that you think that you deserve. You don’t see the chains or the bars on the windows that you have created. You don't deserve them.


Neville Goddard wrote “Take your attention away from your problem and the multitude of reasons why you cannot achieve your ideal. Concentrate your attention entirely upon the thing desired… When you attain the control of the internal direction of your attention, you will no longer stand in shallow water, but will launch out into the deep of life.”

Neville Goddard suggests that we ask ourselves “How would I feel if I were free?”

Be unfettered by fear and judgement by those who are asleep.

What is The Law of Attraction?

A tenet of many ancient wisdom traditions and philosophies including Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Hermetic teachings, written as far back as the first century, the Law of Attraction explains an underlying facet of reality, which, when understood, has the power to shift our worldview and enrich our lives. So, the concept of the Law of Attraction is fundamentally an ancient concept embedded in Universal laws. It asserts that our life is our own creation. We, as consciousness, have the ability to influence and create our life events. Many of us have already experienced the manifestation of something that we imagined. Almost all major religions talk about this concept in one form or another. However, it cannot be taken at surface level and must be deeply understood if one wishes to grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is not a ‘hack’, a ‘quick fix’, or an ‘easy-way-out’. The very use of these words by some who promote it as a panacea or ‘Golden Chalice’ suggests trying to take a short-cut across Natural Laws. One can bend the Laws of Physics, but one cannot bend the Laws of Nature. The Law of Attraction has become popular on social media and is promulgated by ‘influencers’ who encourage lazy instant gratification. There is no way of bypassing the inner work required to change your outer world. In fact the inner work is the only thing that you can work on. The easy way never leads to lasting results or fulfilment. Inner work is the hardest work you will ever do, trust me I know, but it brings rewards beyond our imagination.

Meister Eckhart, the scholar and philosopher, wrote “The outward work will never be puny if the inward work is great.” Your outcomes are the result of who you are. The doing flows from the BEing. As Immanuel Kant wrote “To be is to do.” So the spiritual path order is ‘Be, Do, Have’. What we all do wrong is that we approach it in the order of ‘Have, Do, Be.’ That just doesn't work. I know. I have seen it countless times. And if you are awake enough, so have you. It's just a con trick played by a clueless consumerist 'civilisation.'


The Law of Attraction stems from the principle that like attracts like. The Law of Attraction suggests that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. Thoughts have creative power. Our conscious thoughts are only a small portion of our mental landscape, and it is our beliefs that really run the show (thoughts stem from our beliefs). Just as an iceberg is mostly below the surface, our true beliefs are mostly below the surface in our subconscious mind. If we are creating our lives out of our thoughts/ beliefs, it is the subconscious and unconscious levels that are doing the creating, not our conscious thoughts. Neville Goddard wrote “Your subconscious impressions determine the conditions of your world… 'I and my Father are one, but my Father is greater than I.' The conscious and subconscious are one, but the subconscious is greater than the conscious.” If we do not bring these unconscious thoughts into the light of consciousness they will direct our way of BEing and therefore doing, and the resulting outcomes. We cannot rely on our conscious mind as this is mostly asleep and in a state of lack and fear: With regards to our conscious mind Neville Goddard wrote “The subconscious is what a man is. The conscious is what a man knows… Nothing comes from without. All things come from within - from the subconscious… The conscious is the realm of effect. The subconscious is the realm of cause.”

Thanks to the contribution of Albert Einstein’s famous equation, E = MC(2), we now understand that matter and energy are inseparable, and that energy and light are the basis of everything in our tangible Universe. Everything that manifests in the physical world does so by a process of resonant energies being drawn together. This is the basis of the Law of Attraction, which states that the energy we broadcast out into the Universe is joined by and gathers to itself energies that are harmonic or resonant in frequency.

Quantum physics offers a probable explanation for the feasibility of this law. One of the founding fathers of quantum physics and Nobel Prize winner Max Planck once said, "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much: There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter." He added “Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of Nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.”

The basic philosophy behind the law of attraction is that energy precedes manifestation. As such, positive thoughts may bring positive results into a person’s life, while negative thoughts bring the opposite. Whatever we direct our powerful focus upon within the invisible realm of our thoughts, beliefs and emotions eventually manifests into outer form. Thereby the law of attraction says the state of everything in our external world - our bodies, our relationships, the robustness of our careers and our finances - is a direct reflection of our internal state.

When we’re focused on what’s missing, what’s unjust or on all the ways we’ve been wronged, we not only continue to compulsively search for non-existent scraps evidence of wrongdoing, but we hold ourselves in a victim mindset that deprives us of our power to think, feel, grow, evolve as human beings, or to serve others or even ourselves. Conversely, the Law of Attraction says if you don’t like the quality of the experiences you’re drawing to yourself, you can change them by adjusting your vibrational output, which means shifting your mood, attitude, words, thoughts or perspective. You can only work on you. You can't fix or change anyone else. No-one is broken. That's your illusion as you feel broken yourself but are not. So stop hiding behind a mask of inauthenticity and projecting onto others what is broken in you.

“The energy, attitude, acts and emotions one puts out into the world are more likely than not to attract similar or resonant energy, attitudes, acts, vibrations and emotions,” says James Michael Nolan, PhD, a licensed psychologist. “This is not unrelated to the common notion of Karma, you reap what you sow, or what goes around comes around... So, this is not by any means new or ‘new age-y’ thinking,” says Nolan. “It has been around a very long time, across all major religions and many philosophical schools.”

There are various ways people look at the Law of Attraction, explains Nolan. On the one hand, there are people who ascribe to the more scientific sounding explanation of vibrational energy. While the other, more metaphysical worldview of this concept isn’t based on a logical, linear explanation at all, and instead relies on intuition, Faith and trust." The Psychology of the Law of Attraction: There is a great deal of overlap between the Law of Attraction and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), solution focused therapy and positive psychology, says Nolan, adding that studies on the various aspects of positive thinking suggest it is linked to the following health benefits:

  • Better overall health

  • Leading a more joyful life

  • Better coping

  • Fewer negative emotions

  • Increased stress hardiness

  • Greater joy

  • Increased physical health

  • Longer lifespan

  • Greater social support

  • Increased relationship satisfaction

The National Institute of Health backs up some of these claims, explaining in a 2015 article that a growing body of research continues to connect a positive mindset to health benefits such as lowered blood pressure, a reduced risk for heart disease, healthier weight, better blood sugar levels and a longer life.

A 2018 University study found that participants who underwent a 29-day training on the tenets of the law of attraction reported significantly higher levels of happiness and gratitude after learning these principles when compared to the control group. Optimism has also been shown to positively affect not just mental health, but also physical well being. In fact, a round up of optimism studies appearing in the journal Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health found that people with more positive dispositions were less likely to suffer from depression or anxiety disorders, as well as have a 50% less chance of cardiovascular mortality for men between the ages of 64 to 84. Additionally, a study from 2009 in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society showed that the ability to imagine a hypothetical situation before it occurs may actually afford greater accuracy in predicting its outcome. And a 2005 review from the American Psychological Association found that happy people (i.e. people with a “positive affect”) were more likely to find success across many life levels, including marriage, friendship, income, health and career.

The infinite and intelligent mind is the entity that our ancestors referred to as infinite consciousness. It's believed that we, being part of the infinite and powerful consciousness, have the ability to influence matter and fulfil our desires. This revelation is proven by some scientific research studies conducted on prayer, which is a powerful tool for manifestation. In one study on prayer, women who had been prayed for had nearly twice the rate of pregnancy as those who were not prayed for. Another study conducted on 22 bush babies states that the animals who were prayed for had a greater improvement in wound size versus those who weren't prayed for. 

When looking at the idea of energy particles and attraction, much of this stems from quantum physics. At a base level, quantum physics says everything is made up of particles/atoms. Even a rock, which appears inanimate, is made up of vibrating particles that cannot be perceived through the naked eye. One concept of quantum physics that connects to the Law of Attraction is the “Observer Effect,” which describes an oft quoted phenomenon encompassing electrons. In certain situations, making a measurement of an electron’s path fundamentally changes how that electron behaves. Believers in the Law of Attraction point to this phenomenon as evidence that putting your focus on a thought or outcome - positive or negative - brings that energy together.

There can be some potential pitfalls to the 'social media wishful thinking law of attraction' mindset. One of the biggest dangers is expecting something to show up simply because you’ve started wishing for it. Wishful thinking is not positive envisioning or a deep dive into BEing. The former is more like believing in Santa, the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy, and unicorns. “When that thing does not show up, it is too easy to get the message, ‘You did it wrong. You did not actually align with the allegedly desired outcome, so of course it did not show up,’” says Nolan. That can get pretty circular and may cause someone to blame themselves for not being a ‘good enough manifestor,’ he continues. Critics also worry that people may start to blame themselves for negative events that are outside their control, like accidents or illnesses. When subscribing to the Law of Attraction theory, it’s important to keep it realistic. “The average person does not believe they could have a golden castle on Mars with magic elephants, nor do they believe the government will send them a trillion dollars,” says Nolan. “That’s wishful thinking - when there is not even a remote chance of one having the agency to affect such outcomes.”

Positive envisioning, on the other hand, is aimed at possibilities that really could happen. “If one envisions themselves as wealthy, owning their own company and a fancy red car, going to Paris at the drop of a hat - well, those things actually do happen for a fair number of people, so one might reasonably envision them as a possibility, even if one cannot yet identify the path to get there quite yet,” says Nolan. “The goal is to embrace the sensation of what it feels like to do, be or have the outcome you’re working toward,” says Christy Whitman, a Law of Attraction coach, in Forbes Health. “It’s the shift in your energy- not your imagination or your words - that energises and magnetises your desires to you.” The other significant difference to note between wishful thinking and positive envisioning is that there needs to be action. Nothing is going to change if you’re just sitting on your couch asking the Universe to send you good outcomes. “If we spend all our time visualising, meditating and ‘acting as if’ without taking action in the physical world, we are not doing our part in the manifestation equation,” says Whitman. In other words, set goals, embrace challenges, take chances, get support - but don’t expect things to come to you just because you believe they will. If you want to win the lottery, God would say that you at least have to buy a ticket. "If you walk into a room and say, ‘What the heck are you looking at, pal?’ or say ‘it is so good to see your beautiful smiling face!’ you have pretty effectively created your own reality for the next few minutes,” says Nolan. When you come in with a certain energy and attitude, then you can probably expect the same or similar in response.

Nolan recommends the following practices in the Forbes Health article on the Law of Attraction:

  • Commit to a daily practice of energy alignment. Try meditation, yoga, spend time in nature or with your children and pets, exercise, practice deep breathing, journal or listen to inspiring or uplifting books, podcasts or music. “Practices like these will support you in restoring your nervous system and clarifying your energy field,” claims Whitman. Yoga and meditation have enormous scientifically proven health benefits.

  • Curate your social media field. Block negative people and toxic threads, or at least stop following them. “Create the social media ‘feeds’ that serve you, uplift you, make you feel better, inspire you,” says Nolan. “Your emotions are your internal GPS, telling [you] what feels good and what does not - use them.” Or better still leave social media and come back to the real world.

  • Keep a gratitude log. Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations in the Universe, because it prompts us to focus on the abundance we already have, which expands us and increases our capacity for more, claims Whitman. One easy way to practice this is to write down one thing you are grateful for each day, and then list five reasons why you are grateful.

  • Minimise or sever your interactions with negative people. That doesn’t mean you have to ignore bad situations when they happen or always put on a happy face (i.e. “toxic-positivity” and people pleasing), but it does mean you can choose not to join in “ain’t it awful” conversations, says Nolan. When it’s not possible to avoid negativity, he says positive internal self-talk can help you stay in an uplifted place. Leave the drama triangle and come into presence.

  • Watch your word choices. “Our words have power, and with every word we speak, we are either creating a reality we desire, or a reality we dread,” says Whitman. “To use the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires, always speak in favour of your desires, never against them.” For example, instead of saying “I’m worried things aren’t going to work out for me,” try shifting it to, “Every action I take leads me closer and closer to things I desire.”

  • Prepare your energy field before entering difficult situations. When you’re about to head into a tough conversation or event, carve out time to prepare your mood beforehand. “Imagine filling yourself up with the energies of joy, expansion, clarity and ease,” suggests Whitman. “Take a few deep breaths, and literally feel these energies expanding your consciousness and raising your vibration.” Meditate before these situations. Your mind will be totally clear and you will have access to infinite wisdom and Truth. The higher you raise your frequency ahead of time, the easier it will be to sustain it.

  • Engage your power of focus. There are only two basic positions you can take in relation to anything in your life. You can either focus on what you perceive is going wrong, or on what you perceive as going right, or the solution. Whitman suggests asking yourself: “What do I want?” “Why do I want this?” “How do I believe I will feel once I accomplish this?” When you understand that what you focus on expands (i.e focusing on good things increases the likelihood of more good things coming), Whitman says, “You discover that the most empowering thing you can do is to focus on your positive aspects.”


The Law of Attraction is founded on the premise that the quality of our most prevalent thoughts, moods and attitudes determines the quality of what we manifest in our lives. This encourages us to deliberately guide the direction of our own thoughts, and to choose our perceptions, moods, attitudes and expectations on purpose, says Whitman.

And, in the current world where we’re bombarded with negativity on a daily basis through the tabloid press, internet trolls, social media, and societal conditioning, a little positive hope doesn’t feel like a bad thing to try to attract.

In another Forbes article on the Law of Attraction, two books are referred to:

  1. 'The Power of Your Subconscious Mind' by Dr Joseph Murphy, who wrote, taught, counselled and lectured to thousands all over the world for nearly fifty years, originally written in 1963, detailing how the subconscious mind has the ability to create things that it envisions. He suggests practical techniques through which one can change one's destiny, principally by focusing and redirecting this miraculous energy. Years of research studying the world's major religions convinced him that some great Power lay behind all spiritual life and that this power is within each of us. Dr. Murphy was Minister-Director of the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles for 28 years, where his lectures were attended by 1500 people every Sunday. His daily radio program during period was immensely popular. Murphy was influenced by Ernest Holmes and Emmet Fox, both well known writers on New Thought principles, but his academic background was in Eastern religion. He spent many years in India, and was an Andhra Research Fellow at the University of India. Dr Murphy spent a good part of his life studying Eastern religions, and was a scholar of the I-Ching, the Chinese book of divination whose origins are lost in history. He remains a beacon of enlightenment and inspiration for legions of loyal followers.

  2. 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne, written in 2006, which describes the techniques used by Plato, Galileo, Beethoven, Edison, Carnegie, and Einstein, along with other renowned inventors, theologians, scientists, and great thinkers. It comes from techniques found and developed in the oral traditions, in literature, in religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. It describes positive thinking. emotions and visualisation aspects of the Law of Attraction. The book suggests that we manifest what we believe, feel, and who we think we are, and emphasises the use of writing, journalling, and gratitude.

'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne.

'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne.

The Forbes article also refers to the work of visionaries like Dr. Bruce Lipton (cell biologist and leader in bridging the gap between science and spirit, who wrote the book 'The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles'), and Paramahansa Yogananda, an Indian Hindu monk, yogi and guru who introduced millions to meditation, remaining a leading figure in Western spirituality, and writing his 'Autobiography of a Yogi'.

The great Indian sage Yogananda popularised Hindu philosophy to a US audience, inspired a Beatle, and kept company with New Thought luminaries. His book has been an inspiration for generations and influenced everyone from George Harrison to Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs, the deceased CEO of Apple, discovered Autobiography of a Yogi at the age of 17 and reportedly read it every single year of his life until he passed away in 2011 at the age of fifty-six. So that's nearly forty times. Not only that, but he gifted it to every single person who came to his funeral. Note that his parting gift to his closest friends and family was not an iPhone, but a book about our search for Truth through the science and philosophy of Yoga. Today it is still one of the most widely read and respected books ever published on the wisdom of the East.

Yogananda wrote that not all thoughts are powerful enough to shape reality: They must come from your soul to be effective. Prayers and thoughts that come from the ego are “lifeless” and not “impregnated by soul force,” he wrote in his book, Scientific Healing Affirmations. Such prayers and thoughts, he taught, were “just like shooting bullets out of a toy gun, without the gunpowder.” He wrote, “Words without soul force are husks without the corn.” His recommended practice included affirmations chanted kirtan-style with great intensity while focusing on the body’s spiritual energy centres including the heart chakra, the seat of love;  the Third Eye, the seat of the higher will, and the medulla, at the base of the brain and top of the spine where the life force is said to enter the body. These energy centres have much in common with the Western concept of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. He repeatedly emphasised that only intense spiritual practice activates the Super Conscious where thoughts and words can affect reality. Yogananda advocated honouring both the Divine and material reality, conscious effort and Divine Law, modern medicine and spiritual healing. “Ambition for making money should be utilised to improve society, country, and the world,” he wrote. “Make all the money you can by improving your community or country or the world, but never do so by acting against their interests."

The Forbes article gave four practical steps to practice the Law of Attraction:

1. Get clarity on your outcome. This step is like the foundation of a building: Without it, nothing stands tall. You need to be crystal clear about the outcome you seek and the intention behind it. There shouldn't be any vague idea about it in your mind. An image in the mind must represent your outcome.

2. Get in a gratitude state. "GIGS," is all about tapping the power of gratitude. Gratitude is an energy amplifier. It puts us in a powerful manifestation state. The key is to practice gratitude for events and things you are truly grateful for. Spare 10 minutes each day to journal about them.

3. Visualise. Once you have a clear intention and feel grateful, start visualising the outcome. The steps should be followed seamlessly. Visualisation should be so realistic that you should feel like the event is being lived by you in that moment itself and you feel the emotional and mental intensity of its occurrence. If you can recall a fearful thought and feel the fear, you can also recall a beautiful experience and feel good.

4. Surrender. Come hell or high water, you must surrender. You must surrender the outcome to a greater intelligence. This helps you detach. Hence, you won't generate fear or doubt in the process. Faith moves mountains. Surrender and presence dissolves the ego.

Neville Goddard wrote about the power of the subconscious “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and feel as true, the subconscious can and must objectify. Your feelings create the pattern from which your world is fashioned… Feeling a state produces that state.”


Visualising does help, but is not enough in of itself. We have to believe something deeply in our bones. It takes a lot of work to dive into our psyche to uncover and change core beliefs, along with processing a lot of pain using various disciplines. There is definitely no hack and no quick fix as you can now imagine. This isn’t advocated on social media because there is no product to sell, it isn't a quick fix, and it doesn’t draw people in with false marketing. But it is True.


Neville Goddard wrote “It is not what you want that you attract, you attract what you believe to be true.The Law of Attraction is not a magic trick. It does not work by simply wishing for something and expecting it to happen. You need to take action and work towards your goals, while maintaining a positive mindset and a clear vision of what you want. The Law of Attraction is not a guarantee of success. It does not mean that you will get everything you want, or that you will never face any challenges or difficulties. It means that you will attract more opportunities and possibilities that are aligned with your true Self and purpose. The Law of Attraction does not necessarily work overnight, or in a matter of days or weeks. It takes time, patience, and persistence to manifest your desires, and you may have to face some setbacks and obstacles along the way. The Law of Attraction is not a passive process. It does not work by just sitting back and waiting for things to happen. You need to be proactive and take inspired action, while trusting the timing and the flow of the Universe. The Law of Attraction works by constantly evolving and growing, and by enjoying the journey and the process. It is the becoming and the journey that are the abundance. Realising this is the gold. The intended outcome is a side effect, unless it is not meant for you and the blueprint for your life.

The Law of Attraction is not a solo endeavour. It does not work by isolating yourself from the world, or by ignoring the influence and impact of others. It works by connecting and collaborating with like-minded people, and by learning and sharing from each other’s experiences and insights. It works by questioning and exploring your own beliefs and assumptions, and by respecting and appreciating the diversity and uniqueness of everyone. Neville Goddard wrote “Neville Goddard wrote ” You do not have to persuade others to help you; all you need do is believe you are what you want to be and then let the world (which is nothing more than yourself pushed out) go to work to make your assumption possible… Dare to believe in the reality of your assumptionand watch the world play its part relative to its fulfilment.

The Law of Attraction is not a source of stress or pressure. It does not work by worrying or obsessing about the future, or by controlling or manipulating the outcome. It works by relaxing and letting go of the attachment, and by trusting and surrendering to the Universe. It involves saying goodbye and good riddance to the ‘Hustle Culture’ that is so ever-present in our Western world. It means saying goodbye to burnout and hello to joy, bliss, love, and peace.

The Law of Attraction is not a competition or a comparison. It does not work by comparing yourself to others, or by feeling jealous or insecure about their success or happiness. It works by celebrating and supporting others, and by recognising and appreciating your own worth and potential. It involves realising that your value is who you are and that who you are is your value. The greatest value is your transformation. This value is acquired through the transformative journey inside to find your true Self.

The Law of Attraction is not a burden or a chore. It does not work by forcing or struggling to make things happen, or by feeling guilty or obligated to do something. It works by finding joy what you do, and by feeling grateful and inspired to do it. The Law of Attraction is not a fantasy or a delusion. It does not work by escaping or denying the reality, or by pretending or lying to yourself or others. It works by facing and accepting the Truth, and by transforming and improving yourself and your situation.

The Law of Attraction is not a coincidence or a luck. It does not work by happening randomly or accidentally, or by depending on external factors or circumstances. It works by following a natural and Universal law, and by reflecting your internal state and intention. The Law of Attraction is not a mystery or a ‘secret’. It does not work by hiding or concealing its existence or mechanism, or by being inaccessible or unavailable to anyone. It works by being open and transparent, and by being available and accessible to everyone. It is a process, which has been described through the millennia by Masters of philosophy and spirituality.

Simply repeating affirmation after affirmation, creating vision boards, and visualisation will not of themselves get you where you want to go. Whether we like it or not, we live in the physical plane where nothing happens by simply thinking about it.


When we are trying to control everything we are actually giving away our power and functioning out of fear: The fear that our life won’t be exactly what we want it to be at all times. Everything in life cannot be controlled. Most of it is out of our realm of personal power. However, we can learn to regulate ourselves and our emotions and let go of the rest. We can exert our free will to a point. We can set our boundaries and direct our own will but we can’t override someone else’s free will or any of the myriad things that occur in the external environment. It is not all within our control.


Our higher Self (our true Self or the soul) can attract experiences that our lower self (our ego or false self) deems as bad because that experience is necessary for our growth. Your higher Self was described by Neville Goddard as “Your inner BEing is he who men call God.


We may not understand the value in a difficult experience on the surface level, but on a deeper level we know that we must experience certain difficult situations because they teach us important lessons. There is value in the negative side of life. Negativity and pain will never go away. That is part and parcel of being alive. If we truly wanted rainbows and butterflies all the time then we wouldn’t be incarnated on earth in the first place. It is the part of us that loves us the most that sends us these ‘negative’ experiences in order to grow. This has been well described in Stoic Philosophy and summarised beautifully by Ryan Holiday in the book ‘The Obstacle is the Way.’


It is possible to be in full alignment with our path in life and still attract negative experiences. If you think you can stop negative things from happening then you will be in resistance and you will fall into a shame spiral when you are (inevitably) unable to avoid bad things. Do not get obsessed with how life should look. Be fully present and non-judgemental of how it does look. This is the closest thing to a “secret” I’ve ever discovered: the power of present moment acceptance regardless of circumstance. Accept the ‘isness’ of the present moment. Nothing is either good or bad. As William Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Rumi wrote "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, There is a field. I'll meet you there."


Obsessively using the Law of Attraction to control every aspect of reality makes us blind to the fact that there is more to a situation than meets the eye. Ultimately we can never know that something should or shouldn’t be happening and negativity doesn’t necessarily mean that something has gone wrong. A desire to control everything is rooted in fear. It feels much better to allow things to flow and to practice full present moment awareness without judgement, regardless of whether an experience is deemed positive or negative. Present moment, non-judgemental awareness doesn’t mean you are passive; it means you take back your full power by not wasting any of it on impossible tasks such as attempting to exert total control or attempting to eliminate negativity. Letting go of control is the ultimate power move and, paradoxically, the only way you have any measure of true power.

What is The Theory of Manifestation Through Imagination?

Neville Goddard wrote that “To one’s imagination, all things are possible.” The Theory of Manifestation through Imagination posits that envisioning oneself living out their desires and aspirations, through the power of imagination, can lead to the actual fulfilment of those desires. This theory operates on the premise that the human mind is a powerful tool for shaping reality, and that our thoughts and imaginations can significantly influence the course of our lives. Neville Goddard wrote “An awakened imagination works with a purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable... Determined imagination, thinking from the end, is the beginning of all miracles… It is imagination which makes one a leader, while the lack of it makes one a follower.”


At the core of this theory is the concept of existence - the state of living or having objective reality. According to this theory, when you imagine yourself in a state of having achieved your desires, you essentially put yourself in that state of existence. This is not to say that merely imagining something makes it physically present or real, but rather that the act of imagining creates a mental and emotional state that aligns with the desired outcome.


Neville Goddard wrote that “No quality so separates man from man as does the disciplined imagination. Those who have given most to society are our artists, scientists, inventors, and others with vivid imaginations.” In all my decades of academic training I did not receive an ounce of wisdom. This is only gained experientially through taking an inner journey. Neville Goddard wrote “Education is not accomplished by putting something into man. Its purpose is to draw out of man the wisdom which is latent within him.


This theory borrows elements from the Law of Attraction, which suggests that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. However, it goes a step further by emphasising the role of active imagination and self-perception in this process. Neville Goddard was a big fan of imagination.

The Theory of Manifestation Through Imagination involves a few key steps:

1. ‘Clarity’: Clearly define your desires. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to envision them.

2. ‘Imagination’: Actively imagine living in the state of having achieved these desires. Visualise it in as much detail as possible, engaging all your senses in the process. Get creative!

3. ‘Emotion’: Allow yourself to feel the emotions associated with your desired state. This is a crucial step as emotions often serve as the driving force behind our actions.

4. ‘Belief’: Truly believe in the possibility of your envisioned reality. Doubts and disbelief can hinder the process of manifestation.

5. ‘Action’: Finally, take actions that align with your desired state. This could be learning new skills, making new connections, or any other steps that bring you closer to your goals.

By following these steps, the Theory of Manifestation through Imagination suggests that you can effectively shape your reality and bring about the fulfillment of your desires. Once you have taken these steps, let it go, like an origami boat on a river: Don’t be attached to the outcome. As Einstein said “God doesn’t play dice.” Neville Goddard echoed “For life makes no mistakes and always gives man that which man first gives himself.Neville Goddard wrote “Use your imagination lovingly on behalf of another.” We were born to serve one another in finding our way home.


How does infinite possibility work?

Eileen Caddy wrote “Stride forward with a firm, steady step knowing with a deep, certain inner knowing that you will reach every goal you set yourselves, that you will achieve every aim.” Neville Goddard wrote “Live your life in a sublime spirit of confidence and determination.”


Click here to read my article on infinite possibility:

How does the power of receiving work?

My coach, Dubem, writes that “The power of receiving (intuition) is connected to the power of believing or knowing.” Knowing that there is nothing that you can not recover from. There are no troubles in your life that are actually bothersome. There is a deeper guidance that is pointing the way. You just need to open your eyes and open your mouth and say ‘yes’. Let’s go, let’s turn over the page. Let’s roll!

Are you someone who loves to be of service? You are constantly supporting friends and family through their challenges. But sometimes you feel that you don't get as much as you put into the relationships. Or that the income in your bank account doesn't match what you bring to the world?

I would suggest that the way out is to listen and don’t try to fix anyone: No-one can. Allow your Self to receive and be comforted. You don't always have to be the giver. It is true that it is in giving that we receive. But you can never reap your harvest until you stop giving. Allow the Universe to do its work now. Allow your self to receive. If you are constantly ploughing, sowing, and tending to your crop, you won't be available for the harvest that is coming to you.


Always have an attitude of gratitude. Eileen Caddy wrote “Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.


Eckhart Tolle wrote “It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.


Wayne Dyer gives practical advice “Give yourself a gift of five minutes of contemplation in awe of everything you see around you. Go outside and turn your attention to the many miracles around you. This five-minute-a-day regimen of appreciation and gratitude will help you to focus your life in awe.


Jack Cornfield, the clinical psychologist who trained as a Buddhist monk, wrote “The state of abundance is connected with a deep sense of gratitude. When we open to abundance, we can enjoy the fog lifting from the morning’s melting snow, and the steam rising from the hot bowl of tomato soup on our lunch table. We can appreciate the half smile of the tired waitress, the silver crescent of the moon at twilight, the unstoppable laughter of children in the schoolyard, and celebrate the fact that we are here, breathing and alive, on this marvellous earth. This fulfilment is far beyond the “prosperity consciousness” that is promulgated in books and workshops that urge us to visualise fancy cars, sprawling mansions, and burgeoning bank accounts. Unbridled outer seeking can actually reflect an inner limitation, of a sense of insufficiency. Our true nature is much greater than this. The abundant heart is already whole. We have all touched this at some time. The abundant heart embraces our world, holding all its joy and fear, gain and loss, nobility and selfishness, enveloped in a field of compassion and love.”

Oprah Winfrey wrote “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” She added, dispelling social media snake oil sellers, "Keep in mind: It doesn't happen overnight. Although manifesting is about turning your dreams into reality, it does require you to take proactive steps toward whatever it is you desire. You shouldn’t expect it to happen instantly - but even though it's a lengthy process, that time is a small price to pay for a (hopefully) profound impact on your life."

Oprah has interviewed the LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner about manifestation. In the interview she says "You know, I kept hearing around '90, '92, women would stand up and say "you know, "I did the thing I was supposed to do, "I went to school, I got the degree, "I even got my Master's Degree, I did the work, "and now, now what? I feel like there should be something more, I feel like that." I kept hearing this "there should be something more, "I feel like there's something more, "I feel like I'm missing something!" Then that became one of the tenets of our show, how do you give and help to fulfill that "something more" that people are looking for, and what I instinctively knew, because I am a person who's lived a spiritual life my whole life, that something more is a connection to something that's bigger than yourself. So, how can I fulfill that, how can I offer that, in such a way that women start to look at themselves as a whole person, not just as a mother, not just as a professional, but how do I start - And one of the very first shows I did about this was with a life coach named Cheryl Richardson, who proposed the idea of "Actually, what do you want?" and "Where are you on that list of what do you want?" When she asked the women in the audience, this was around '92, to do that list, every woman was at the bottom of that list for herself. She was saying "you have to put yourself at the top." Do you know they booed her? They booed her so badly that I said "Hey hey hey! We're not Jerry Springer here!" - Put yourself at the top, and people interpret that as being selfish? - Oh, everybody said "Well, does she have children? "You have no idea, how are you going to put yourself "at the top, how are you going to make yourself a priority? We have children," and I was like "She didn't say leave your children in the street, "abandon your children, she said put yourself at the top, "give to yourself first so that you will have more..." - To give to others. - to give to others. - It became a recurring thing for you. - It became a recurring thing because I was listening to people say they didn't have it. I listened to them say they didn't have it, then when you tried to tell them "this is how you have it," they were like "we can't do that!" But, over the years, I saw how putting that message out into the world, take care of yourself, fill up your tank, give yourself your own oxygen- - It landed. - It landed. - And so, when you continue to do those discussions afterwards, you must have been receiving back, - Yes! - the evolution of that theme towards "I'm starting to live the life "I wanted to live... So, this idea that you were hearing a specific story, and it helped inspire what you wanted to do on the show is really, really cool. What story are you hearing now? - I was hearing a story of disconnection and intolerance. You know, you just- - Lack of compassion? - Intolerance. Just, absolutely intolerance, like not being able to tolerate other people and their stories and their beliefs. When, in fact, if you know, I did an interview in the late 80's with a mother who had watched her son die, and she said she climbed into bed with him, crawled into bed with him as he was dying, and his last words were: (deep breath) "Oh... "It was all so simple." And then he smiled. When she said that, I got chills, because I thought yeah, We're going to take our last breath and say "Why were we struggling all that time?" Why were we, you know, swimming upstream? Where all we had to do was just look at each other, and accept each other for who each of us represents on the planet. "Ah, it was so simple." I didn't have to fight that hard. It didn't have the be that hard. So, that had a really huge impact on me."

Gratitude is the key to our experience of abundance. It is how we learn to receive so that we able to come into alignment with our true Self. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, when you’re grateful for what you already have, you will naturally attract more, for which you can be grateful.

Eckhart Tolle wrote "Acknowledging the good that is already in your life is the foundation for all abundance. The fact is: Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world. Try this for a couple of weeks and see how it changes your reality: Whatever you think people are withholding from you praise, appreciation, assistance, loving care, and so on – give it to them. You don't have it? Just act as if you had it, and it will come. Then, soon after you start giving, you will start receiving. You cannot receive what you don't give. Outflow determines inflow. Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you already have, but unless you allow it to flow out, you won't even know that you have it. This includes abundance. The law that outflow determines inflow is expressed by Jesus in this powerful image: "Give and it will be given to you.""

Neville Goddard wrote that “Your conception of your Self is your reward.” Jack Canfield wraps gratitude up like the gift that it is suggesting that we should appreciate ourselves “Finally, don’t forget to appreciate your OWN positive qualities and accomplishments. In addition to celebrating your big successes, acknowledge your small daily successes too. We all need acknowledgment, but the most important acknowledgment is that which we give ourselves.

It's already yours. It was written in the stars before you were born. Every atom in your body was born of stars


All the ‘experts’ who advocate will and perseverance as the path to success are misguided, as they are actually describing the ego, which is a very little you. Why act so big when you are not so small? Neville Goddard wrote “What we must work for is not the development of the will, but the education of the imagination and the steadying of attention.”

Will we depend on our hustle, determination, self-reliance, pig-headedness, or other people to supply the energy we need to live this day? Will we receive strength, 'imitation love', external validation, satisfaction from money, things, accomplishments, recognition, or the approval of others? Or will we depend on our unseen infinite higher power that flows within? Which source can truly yield inner peace and happiness?  We may sometimes forget that we have an extra resource, a source of un-tapped power that flows within us. This is the power that can break the shackles of conflict, addiction, shame, sever the bonds of self-pity, guilt, anger, and other miseries, and open the gateway to new freedom and infinite possibility. When we access this life-changing energy, our strength, our determination, our perseverance, and our ability to function in the outer world increases. Our mental turmoil lessens, and we see solutions that previously eluded us; our lagging spirits are uplifted; we find a peace that passes all human understanding in the face of heartache and disappointment. Every moment of every day, we have a choice: Will we pause and allow this power to work in our life, or will we continue to limit ourselves and live in mediocrity and misery? My loving inner spirit guide me into the willingness to let go of anything that stands in the way of being of maximum service to you and your children. Help me release my self-driven will and let your loving, supportive energy flow through me.

Neville Goddard said "Your conception of your Self is your reward." You co-create who you are BEing with the Universe. The doing will flow from who you are. You won't need to know how until the Universe tells you. Just be present at all times, choose from a place of love and wisdom through your intuition, and never, never get up from the seat of your soul.

Eckhart Tolle wrote "The source of all abundance is not outside you. It is part of who you are. However, start by acknowledging and recognising abundance without. See the fullness of life all around you. The warmth of the sun on your skin, the display of magnificent flowers outside a florist's shop, biting into a succulent fruit, or getting soaked in an abundance of water falling from the sky. The fullness of life is there at every step. The acknowledgment of that abundance that is all around you awakens the dormant abundance within. Then let it flow out. When you smile at a a stranger, there is already a minute outflow of energy. You become a giver. Ask yourself often: “What can I give here; how can I be of service to this person, this situation.” You don't need to own anything to feel abundant, although if you feel abundant consistently things will almost certainly come to you. Abundance comes only to those who already have it. It sounds almost unfair, but of course it isn't. It is a Universal law. Both abundance and scarcity are inner states that manifest as your reality. Jesus puts it like this: “For to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”"

Einstein said, "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." It's time to imagine.


Neville Goddard advised us to expand our consciousness: “Man fails to do the works of Jesus Christ because he attempts to accomplish them from his present level of consciousness. You will never transcend your present accomplishments through sacrifice and struggle. Your present level of consciousness will only be transcended as you drop the present state and rise to a higher level.” Neville Goddard finishes with a superb clarifying question “What would the feeling be like if it were true?”

Neville Goddard wrote “A son bearing witness of this union will be born. You begin to express and posses that which you are conscious of BEIng. Praying then, is recognising your Self to be that which you desire. Rather than begging God for that which you desire. Millions of prayers are daily unanswered. Because man prays to a God who does not exist. Consciousness BEing God. One must seek in consciousness for the thing desired. By assuming the consciousness of the quality desired. Only as one does this will his prayers be answered... Prayers, to be successful must be claimed and appropriated. Assume the positive consciousness of the thing desired. With your desire defined, quietly go within and shut the door behind you. Lose your Self in your desire. Feel your Sell at one with it.”

As a scientist and with a scientific PhD, a medical degree, and several higher degrees including from Trinity College Cambridge, over 50 PubMed cited scientific papers, being a peer reviewer for over a dozen scientific journals, and associate editor at a major scientific journal, I am keen to dispel snake oil and to go to experience as the only test of a hypothesis. Abundance theories include many techniques proven to benefit one in psychological terms with regards to our emotions, meditation which has been shown to alter how the brain works in terms of coming out of the survival brain (the ego) and using our integrated whole brain, gratitude which forms part of many healing and recovery disciplines. Einstein believed in miracles. The Nobel Prize winning quantum physicist Max Plankk believed that quantum physics could point to a Universal intelligence. I know through my own experience of recovery from despair and mental illness to peace, joy, and love, that the techniques described have been critical to my healing: In particular surrendering the ego, getting used to living in a high vibrational state, being present, waking up, looking inside, becoming, and choosing BEing through the Hero's Journey that we must all take have revolutionised my own life and those that I am close to. Never leave the seat of your soul. And watch this space...

My gift is to be your guide. Let me know if you would like to continue this conversation...

“Transformative life coaching uniquely creates and holds the space for you to see your self afresh, with clarity, and step into new ways of BEing, which will transform how you perceive and intuitively create your world. My work is to guide you to raise your own conscious awareness to the level that you want to achieve.” Olly Alexander Branford

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