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Your Resurrection is Your Transformation

Updated: Jan 22

You are feeling crucified right now, so what next?

Does life feel pretty overwhelming right now, that you have nothing but problems, and that everyone appears to be against you? Are you feeling like you have been crucified, and that there is nothing to look forward to? Do you feel like maybe you have you abandoned your Self in the process?

Well, you do have one problem, your only problem. You have forgotten who you truly are. Fortunately there is an answer to every problem: And you only have one. It's time for your Resurrection. Shall I guide you to the answer?

You know the answer already, but let's hear it from you, through this transformative conversation. I will speak to you from my higher Self. All I ask is that you speak to me from your higher Self, so that we have this conversation BEing to BEing. How do you we that? Well, read on...

Isn't it about time for your Resurrection?

What if your one and only problem is you?

Let's just say for a moment that you believe in a Higher Power. To avoid argument let's just agree to call them God. We could call it energy if you prefer. Still with me? No, I don't believe in a God either, I am not religious in any way, but I do believe in something more than just nuclear particles whizzing around accounting for the totality of our experience. They don't explain consciousness, deep knowing of truths, the soul (which I know you can sense), or love. What if science was ego-driven? Well of course it is, like everything is. We even made a God that looks like a man. If that isn't ego, what is? When they look closer and closer in the Hadron collider, they don't see any particles, it's just energy. Even Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists of all time, who came up with the famous equation E (energy) = M (mass) x C (the speed of light) squared, which basically says that energy is equal to matter and it has something to do with light, said "Live your life as if nothing is a miracle, or everything is a miracle. It's not just about matter.

What if it was time to change our minds?

God forgives. Most people don't forgive. Most people are asleep, unconscious, ego-driven, fear-driven. We all have the human condition. We are all inherently whole and worthy, lovable human beings. So why don't we forgive? God did not take you to the Hell that you are experiencing right now. There is no Hell. The Universe in one, there is no polarity when it comes to love. Love just is. 'Hell' is just the feeling of darkness within you. What if you took you to 'Hell'?

What if your fears took you to 'Hell'?

The only thing to be delivered from is your own fear. Your current reality is just an illusion. Career ruin, fear, financial disaster, addiction, relationship challenges, whatever you think your problems are, they are just a web of illusion. You create the web every morning when you don't meditate. You bring all your fears from the past with you. You pick up your phone, check your messages, emails, socials, check the news, drink that coffee. You start the day, not anew, but harassed, angry, afraid. You shower, wash off the day before, but you forget to meditate, where you wash off the fears from your mind. How do you do that? You simply hand over your fears to God, and meditate on the mantra "Let Christ be with me throughout the day." Then, every decision you make will be divinely inspired. It will be the will of God, "Thy will be done", through you and your actions. I forgot who I was. Then my father, Christopher, died suddenly. A coach appeared in my life, called Christopher: I found the Transformative path through him. Then I remembered that one of my middle names is Christopher. Hmmm, synchronicity: Isn't that woowoo? After all I am a medical doctor, scientist, have a PhD. How can I believe in synchronicity. Well Carl Jung, the famous Swiss PSychologist and philosopher wrote the first scientific paper on it. If it's good enough for the greatest psychologist of all time, then it's good enough for me. That made me think of the resurrection. Why? Christ. You only have one problem. You have forgotten who you truly are. Again, the only thing that you need to be delivered from is your own fear. You forgot who you are because of your conditioned mind. We all do it. Until we wake up. Until we remember that we are the child of God, and that there is no miracle that we cannot perform. This is not ego, it's truth. Einstein says so. Enlightenment is moving away from body identification to spirit identification. We need to move to a spiritual (which just means looking inside for the answers) view being the crux of our identity. We are not separate from anything else. Your only problem in life is your separation from God, from energy, from miracles, or whatever you want to call it.

What is the only thing you can work on?

The only problem you have is you. The only thing you can work on is you. Miracles occur naturally: Your life is extraordinary. So we are not here to talk about how we will create a fantastic life. We are talking about BEing. We are talking about you. About who you truly are. Every time you meet someone in your life it’s an assignment with a maximum learning opportunity. You can start living life full throttle with passion and creativity in line with your purpose.

What if there is a blueprint for how to live your life with purpose and in line with your passion?

We must put ourselves in a position where we download the blueprint for the extraordinary life that has been decided for us. The DNA, the seed, the acorn, the file, or the blueprint already exists in the mind of God. We don't have to create it. We just need to BE it. Each of us contains the blueprint for a magnificent life. The problem is not that the blueprint doesn’t exist: The problem is that we deflect it. We resist it. We block it. We avoid it. Any time that we judge others or ourselves or focus on the past or the future instead of the present we are blocking the blueprint. We are instituting limitation. We are saying no to the limitless possibilities in any inherent situation. Nature knows what it’s doing. Oak trees grow from acorns. We are coded to live our lives of our full potential. We get in the way. Our plans and goals clutter the scene. Our ego, driven only by fear hides the blueprint.

What if your life was driven by love instead of fear?

The spiritual goal is to grow empty. So that we can be filled with the blueprint. You are like a plane that is too full to take off. The tea cup that is full.

The Zen Story of the Tea Cup

You need to slow down. Empty your mind. Einstein said "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

Our wounds made us forget who we are. We are in victim mode. The concentration on the brokenness is not the healing. We are whole, unbroken. We have healed our wounds, through therapy or connection. Crucifixion is the fear that undermines the love. Look at your Crucifixion but don’t dwell on it. Fear has had its way with you. It’s irrelevant now. It doesn't serve you any more. The lions are long gone. The new energy is Resurrection. If we stand in the midst of fear and pro-claim the Resurrection, then we are standing in the midst of darkness and claiming peace and love. Only love is real. Nothing that is not love is real. Doubt, fear, and pain are all constructs of the illusion of our conditioned mind. They are constructions of your terrified ego. Don't worry, we all do it. Even that worry you are having right now is a construct of your mind. They are just a hallucination. The answer is just stop hallucinating. Wake up from the unhappy dream by turning it into a happy dream and then wake up to truth and reality. Remember who you are. You are a limitless child of God. Release the fear. Place in your subconscious mind the you that has returned. Therapy is great at looking at the past and making you feel better temporarily, but it just makes you very articulate about how messed up you are. We need to move on. I have been there. I know where you are. I hear you. I feel your pain. It's time to move on - it's not real. It’s not my job to create the Olly that is not messed up. I have in me and my mind the blueprint that my ego refuses to see. My file is on my computer. My mortal mind can’t get me there. But, you are the child of God, Christ. Pray to be shown the divine choice for each moment. The Resurrection: The world that was cut off from you as a child, through your traumas and your conditioned mind. You will be miraculously reconstituted. Do not underestimate the ego’s darkness and it's desperate attempts to survive. Have faith. You are here to be the light in the darkness. Pray: "Christ bring light to my life." Miracles will happen: It's not a question of if. They will! You are not a wave hallucinating that it is separate from other waves. When your mind changes it changed other minds. God's relation to us is total power. Oneness. Prayer is the conduit of miracles. You will see. And then you will tell me that I told you so.

What if your purpose was to bring light into the world?

The plan in your blueprint is to make you the highest version of you that is possible. Pro-claim the highest manifestation of possibility. Claim it! It's yours! Miracles are possible here.

Higher Self Meditation: Lie down and shut your eyes, open your mind and listen

You create what you defend against. So don't get involved in drama. You create peace. What you think about you attract and get. It's the law of attraction. Think about your higher Self and you will be a light that is you and that you were sent by God to be. What is not the real you will be dissolved like an acid bath. Think positive. Be present. Create space. Be an empty vessel of transformation. Have your heart open. Respond don't react. Miracles happen around you. Meditation takes yesterdays stress off your mind. Like a morning shower. 5 mins with the Holy Spirit every morning means the Holy Spirit will make all your choices so that they are divine choices. Remind yourself that you were asleep, unconscious, insane. Let the Holy Spirit take over. Mantra: "Let Christ be with me throughout this day!" Release it to miracles. Stand for light without judging the dark. Righteous means 'right use' of the mind. You can say about those that are still asleep, unconscious, full of drama, "I hope they will wake up". That’s all. No demonisation. NO judgement, even if they have judged you. It's just the projection of their demons on you. Share your light. There is a difference between transcendence in Resurrection and denial of the human condition during Crucifixion. We have a split mind. One part is in the fear. The other is not experiencing this drama. The cross is where the human experience and the spirit cross. The human side shows compassion. The spirit holds that a miracle that is possible here.

We must change from negative to positive thinking. Cause and effect: That’s a natural law. God doesn’t interfere with his own laws. If we only think love then love will return to us. We must change our own thoughts based on fear to those based on love. Think family, compassion, peace, love. Guilt = fear. Love = innocence. Compassion. We are all innocent of the human condition, and all share it. It is our choice to Resurrect. Choose your higher Self. Be a teacher of God who shows love and compassion.

This journey has awoken me to the human condition and that we are not separate from each other. The separated self. That is the key to miracles - to dispel the separation. "God's will be done" is the same as asking that love permeates the consciousness of everyone involved in my life. Be more loving. "What is the divine choice here?" is the same as asking "What is the loving choice here?" The only problem is that you have become dissociated from the truth of your being - that you are one with god. Be love. Christ is the idea of the Christ within you. The perfect, unbroken you within you. Identify your Self as the child of God. There is nothing your holiness cannot do. Your holiness is your wholeness. Love as God loves.

So, we are all one - we have the human condition. We need a shift in perception from fear to love. I am willing to stand in the realm of the miraculous. Are you? The you will shift from a fear based consciousness (Crucifixion, ego and darkness) to love-based consciousness (what is true, life, love = Resurrection). My light will shine with presence so that others' light can shine. Miracles will arrive from conviction and with emotional authority.

What are you waiting for?

We become the light of being with daily meditative practice, by telling our truth, facing and integrating our shadow, being immune to negativity and projection by others, finding our true Self, finding our purpose, being a beacon and a mirror, with love and gratitude, and expanding our consciousness through presence. Shine on!

Sending you love, light, and blessings.

Please let me know if you would like to join my 'VOICE for men' group: 'Vulnerability & Openness Is a Choice Ensemble', where men can find their strength, courage, and authenticity, by dropping their egocentric fears and instead communicate openly with vulnerability. It will change your life. It will empower you. This community is a safe space for men to connect and discuss philosophy, spirituality, positive psychology, and timeless truths, to share our experience, strength and hope, and to find solutions to our pain and fears.

Olly Alexander Branford MD, MBBS, MA(Cantab), PhD

My gift is to be your guide. Let me know if you would like to continue this conversation...

“Transformative life coaching uniquely creates and holds the space for you to see your self afresh, with clarity, and step into new ways of BEing, which will transform how you perceive and intuitively create your world. My work is to guide you to raise your own conscious awareness to the level that you want to achieve.” Olly Alexander Branford

My coaching themes and services - I work 1:1 and in groups with men who are looking for: Transformative Life Coaching, Transformational Coaching, Life Coaching, Personal Coaching, Positive Psychology Coaching, Recovery Coaching, Trauma Informed Coaching, Work Addiction Coaching, Workaholism Coaching, Addiction Coaching, Mindfulness Coaching.

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I am very pleased to meet you. Thank you for reading this far. I very much look forward to connecting with the highest version of you, to seeing your highest possibility, and to our conversations. Please do contact me via my website for a free connection call and a free experience of coaching. I am here to serve you.

See you soon,

Olly Alexander Branford MD, MBBS, MA(Cantab), PhD

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I have a Bachelor's degree in Natural Sciences from Trinity College, Cambridge; a Master's Degree in Philosophy from Trinity College, Cambridge; a PhD Doctorate in Scientific Research from University College London (UCL); a Medical Degree (MD/MBBS) from The Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London and have been a doctor and reconstructive trauma and cancer surgeon in London for 20 years. I have published over 50 peer reviewed scientific journal articles, have been an associate editor and frequent scientific faculty member, and am the author of several scientific books. I have been awarded my Diploma in Transformative Life Coaching in London, which has International Coaching Federation (ICF) Accreditation, as well as the UK Association for Coaching (AC), and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC). I have been on my own transformative journey full time for four years and I am ready to be your guide to you finding out who you really are and how the world works.

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