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I Met My Higher Self Today With Transformative Life Coaching, and Stepped Into BEing

Updated: Jan 22

At Once I Found My Life's Purpose, which is to Guide You To Doing The Same if You Wish

Today was unlike every other day. I met my Higher Self through Transformative Life Coaching (TLC), stepped out of my frightened ego, and became my Higher Self. There is no going back.

The Fresco in the Sistine Chapel of 'The Creation of Adam' by Michelangelo c1512

BEing your Higher Self is a choice

Does life feel pretty overwhelming right now, that you have nothing but problems, and that everyone appears to be against you? You have one problem in life, only one. That one problem is you: You have forgotten who you are. You don't need to be saved or rescued. You just need to see and feel your own power and how to access it. There is one thing to work on: YOU. There is one choice to make - do you choose to be your petrified ego, your Wounded Child (who listens to the voice of your inner critic) or your Higher Self? Making this choice deeply and daily says to you that you are feeling and declaring that you are worthy, that you are lovable, that you are deserving of love, and that you are powerful and abundant. You will awaken to your inner authority, your leadership, and your wisdom. You will move from a life based on choosing fear, to one based on love: Self-love.This will lead all the parts of you to the expression of your soul's true purpose and abundance.

Who are you BEing? Are you choosing to come from your Wounded Child or are you BEing your Higher Self?

The following table summarises the associations and consequences of your daily choice: Which column do you identify with? Which column would you like to go towards? Do you feel driven, or called? Are you coming from your Wounded Child or your Higher Self?:

Associations and consequences of your daily choice: Wounded Child versus the Higher Self

Your ego is brash, and shouts in your ear. You Higher Self whispers, which is why you need silence to hear; meditation. But when we suffer there is the potential for transformation. As CS Lewis said "God whispers in our pleasures, but shouts in our pain." Our pain serves us to look from the right side of the table, where we want to be, to our shadow on the left side of the table. This looking within actually brightens the intensity of our light from our Higher Self. Once we have done this, we need to visualise and embody our Higher Self. Once we have done that, and felt the peace, love and safety of that BEing, there is no looking back.

It is a daily choice, made during your morning routine of meditation and prayer. It is your choice once you have looked inside, embraced your shadow, become whole and are awake. I will ask you to step into the role of the interviewer for the job of your life: “Would you hire a petrified 7-year old to run your life or the highest version of your Self?” The obvious answer gives clarity on the madness of our human condition. That’s what your ego is doing. It’s time to drop ‘King Baby’ and unconditionally love and accept your inner child, and show up as your fearless, intuitive, assertive, higher Self. The job your are interviewing for is nothing less than your life. Your higher Self, is the only true candidate. Give your Self your life. You will see miracles, magic, and promises to your Self come true. Is it "You're fired!" to your King Baby or "You're Higher-ed!" to your True Self.

But how do you do this? Unless one is Buddha, one needs a guide. My purpose is to be your guide. I have been where you are. I hear you. I see you. I see the Higher Self in YOU. I will guide you to seeing it too. Once you are your Higher Self, you become your own coach, your own guide: You become a light.

I will share with you the Transformative conversation that I had today with my coach. This is the conversation that I will have with YOU. We will do a Higher Self Embodiment and Visualisation together. This will give you an experience of the choice that you have to make. By the end of it I had met, seen, embodied and become my Higher Self. There is no going back. By BEing, you can't help but create, like an oak grows from an acorn. We talk a lot about BEing and presence. But how do you do actually do that? It may be learned in the context of a TLC conversation. Here is how...

The TLC coaching session is done sitting. Here it is:

Coach: We will now do a Higher Self Visualisation and Embodiment. There will be some questions at some point, when you ask me for them. They will be questions that you will ask your Higher Self. So, we're just going to start with you getting present to yourself here and now. Close your eyes if you feel safe to do so. So can you just begin to find yourself in this moment. So slow your breath. Feel yourself in your chair. Relax into your body. Feel if there's any tension, breathing into any areas of tension, discomfort: Letting any tension go sensing the shape of your body, feeling yourself here present in the space. Feeling yourself from the top of your head down, down through your body all the way down through your legs. All the way down all the way down to your feet. Feeling your breathing from the front of your chest all the way round the sides. Feeling the breathing with your abdomen. Feeling yourself relax. Feeling yourself sinking into the space. Starting now from this place of relaxation to imagine yourself in the space of deep learning, comfort and security. Imagining yourself in your beautiful safe space. I'm feeling this space all around you. You are seeing the space unfold in front of your eyes What do you see before you?

Me: Yes, so I am feeling very present. I have dropped deeply into presence about five times. I see a really bright yellowy green vista. Just slightly uphill. There are gently rolling hills on each side. I can't see the end of the path though I know that it just goes on forever. It's not like grass, it's not hay, it's kind of half way between those, and it's like a prairie, with flowers. It's really sunny but like pure energy, but not the kind where you need to shield your eyes. There's a divinity to the light. It feels really safe. Safe like I've never felt before: Like a big relief. It feels like I'm not in danger of not surviving. That's the energy that I'm getting from this place: That it's totally, utterly safe.

Coach: Can you draw that energy into your body? Can you pull it into you and draw it down through your body?

Me: Yes, I can do that really easily actually. Because it doesn't feel like there's any anything between me and that safe energy. I just feel really open so yes, it's like I'm drawing it in from the landscape. And to me so that I'm becoming safe and I feel safe. I am safe like nothing is going to hurt me here. There's no snakes in the grass, animals, there's just the landscape and me. I am feeling very deeply present, quite free from thought. There's a log on the side of the road. Just a short way ahead of me on the right hand side. It reminds me of a scene I've seen in a church: The sign below it read "This is The Way."

Coach: This is The Way?

Me: It gave me a sense of divinity, of a vista, a panorama. The focus of the panorama was the golden path that way going up the middle of it, winding very gently. The Truth, The Way, The Path, it's all about this Path.

Coach: And what's wanting to happen now?

Me: I really want to call forth my Higher Self. I am smiling and feeling really safe. I am feeling drawn to the path. At the beginning it was an image, a picture. I have gone into the picture. It's now a reality. A truth. I feel excited. A sense of something amazing about to happen. Anticipation. Someone is approaching. There is no sound. It's just an aura. It's a figure. He looks like me, if I was to morph in to someone tall and youthful and energetic it would be me. Wearing monk robes, glowing skin, eyes three-quarters open. A really subtle smile almost like the Mona Lisa. Looking totally serene, breathing slowly, looking totally equanimous, at peace. He is surrounded b y this glow. He looks so rested it is almost as though he is sitting, but he is standing, near the log. It's an impression of him sitting rather than actually sitting. He is slowly walking towards me. He is just smiling in recognition, and I am smiling back. I am feeling really safe. I am feeling drawn in. At the beginning it was just a picture. Its now like I have gone into the picture. I have become one with it. It's now more like a truth. I am feeling that all is well. It is quite warm, but there is a cool breeze. We are just walking towards each other and getting pretty close to this log. It feels like I am meeting someone that I know. Someone that knows me. He seems familiar. Like a knowing. He is just smiling, without me having to say anything. There is compassion, acceptance. there is no judgement. It feels like the ultimate compassion in a human being. Like he is saying "Hello. I see you." but without him having to say anything. We are at the log now. I am ready for the questions now.

Coach: So, the first question is, and you are asking him "What is it important for me to know about you?"

Me: So I ask him "What is it important for me to know about you?" What he replies to that is "Hello, I am Olly Alexander, I am you. I am your Higher Self." He says to me really clearly "You are me, but you can choose to be me or not to be me. It's your choice." There is nothing aggressive in the way he answers but he is saying "Choose me and you will feel all this: Truth, peace, infinite wisdom, power, no pain. I am instantly accessible to you at any time. It's just a choice. And that choice comes through a decision to choose me and also through being present." It feels like we are fusing. Presence and that the only thought that I need to have apart from dropping out of thought is that it's a choice. It's in my power to do that. It's not for him to say "You can be you now." I can just say "I want to be you right now." and I can do that. There you go. I don't have to do anything other than choose to BE him right now, and be present. As I say that I am feeling taller and brighter and more energised. It feels like we are fusing and morphing. The other things he wants to tell me are "All is well." And "I am you." And "This is a choice."Could I have the second question now please?

Coach: Ok. The next question is "What do you want for me?"

Me: Ok. So I ask him "What do you want for me?" That feels really emotional. I don't know why. I say "I just want peace."

Coach: Just breathe. Let that be there.

Me: That is all he says. He is just smiling. He just says really slowly, with that knowing little smile "Peace." And as he says it it's like the whole landscape is inside me. I am not just becoming him, it's like I am becoming the landscape. The landscape for me is peace, it's a place of safety. Like I have never really felt before.

Coach: Stay with it and let is breathe through all of your body. Breathe. Don't rush past it. Can you let it just expand?

Me: When you say that word expanding, it's like I am expanding. The landscape is expanding and we are expanding. And we are the same. It's like I am fusing into him and the landscape. The landscape is peace. And I would say also love. He just repeats "Peace" and then moments later he says "Love".

Coach: Feel that love. Just allow it. Put your hand on your chest. Just feel into how it feels.

Me: It's like the peace is coming from the landscape, and the love is coming from him. It's like that there are these two magnificent forces that are coming towards me and enveloping me and I am becoming those: Love and peace. The love is coming from me/him and the peace is just suffused/infused from the path and the landscape. It feels like the landscape is part of the path. If that makes any sense? What's coming up for me is that the landscape is a border to remind me to stay on the path. It's there to define the path. May I have the next question please?

Coach: So the next question you ask is "What do you know about my soul purpose?"

Me: So I ask "What do you know about my soul purpose?" He is smart! The first thing he says is "You know already." The he just says "This. This is your soul's purpose." So two things are coming up for me. Firstly, that this is my soul's purpose. But I am also getting a strong sense that this is what I need to bring to the world. So this is the path of healing for me and this is the collective healing. Nothing more, nothing less. He just says "This."

Coach: So the next question is "How can I easily connect with your wisdom and your strength?"

Me: Ok. So I ask "How can I easily connect with your wisdom and your strength?" He literally just says "Presence and choice." He has really easy answers! He has a lot of clarity. He just says it and then he just smiles.

Coach: And how do you receive that? What is the impact on you of this way of communicating?

Me: His simplicity is really powerful. For strength he just says "Presence and choice' again.

Coach: Are there any other questions that you feel called to ask?

Me: Yes I ask him "When do I become you?" And he says "You already are." And as he says that I feel like we are just merging. And we merge into one as he says "You already are." And he says just the word "Now."

Coach: Can you just stay with that?

Me: I am feeling really deeply present right now. (Silence)........ I just feel full of clarity. He just said a few words: "Choice. Peace. Love. Now." Feeling very present... Silence...

Coach: I feel a lot of higher energy. A shift in higher energy. the energy is right up here now. I feel it really strongly. It feels like this is the natural state. Your natural state. This higher place. And a releasing of old energies. You feel very complete.

Me: I feel really present and peaceful. I have had eight deep dives. Free from thought. I feel very set up for the day now! Thank you! I feel deeply embedded in the vista, just one.

When you have TLC with me we will record the session with your consent and I will send it to you so that you can use it for your morning meditation. This is your path to BEing and total presence.

Sending you love, light, and blessings.

Please let me know if you would like to join my 'VOICE for men' group: 'Vulnerability & Openness Is a Choice Ensemble', where men can find their strength, courage, and authenticity, by dropping their egocentric fears and instead communicate openly with vulnerability. It will change your life. It will empower you. This community is a safe space for men to connect and discuss philosophy, spirituality, positive psychology, and timeless truths, to share our experience, strength and hope, and to find solutions to our pain and fears.

Olly Alexander Branford MD, MBBS, MA(Cantab), PhD

My gift is to be your guide. Let me know if you would like to continue this conversation...

“Transformative life coaching uniquely creates and holds the space for you to see your self afresh, with clarity, and step into new ways of BEing, which will transform how you perceive and intuitively create your world. My work is to guide you to raise your own conscious awareness to the level that you want to achieve.” Olly Alexander Branford

My coaching themes and services - I work 1:1 and in groups with men who are looking for: Transformative Life Coaching, Transformational Coaching, Life Coaching, Personal Coaching, Positive Psychology Coaching, Recovery Coaching, Trauma Informed Coaching, Work Addiction Coaching, Workaholism Coaching, Addiction Coaching, Mindfulness Coaching.

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I am very pleased to meet you. Thank you for reading this far. I very much look forward to connecting with the highest version of you, to seeing your highest possibility, and to our conversations. Please do contact me via my website for a free connection call and a free experience of coaching. I am here to serve you.

See you soon,

Olly Alexander Branford MD, MBBS, MA(Cantab), PhD

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I have a Bachelor's degree in Natural Sciences from Trinity College, Cambridge; a Master's Degree in Philosophy from Trinity College, Cambridge; a PhD Doctorate in Scientific Research from University College London (UCL); a Medical Degree (MD/MBBS) from The Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London and have been a doctor and reconstructive trauma and cancer surgeon in London for 20 years. I have published over 50 peer reviewed scientific journal articles, have been an associate editor and frequent scientific faculty member, and am the author of several scientific books. I have been awarded my Diploma in Transformative Life Coaching in London, which has International Coaching Federation (ICF) Accreditation, as well as the UK Association for Coaching (AC), and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC). I have been on my own transformative journey full time for four years and I am ready to be your guide to you finding out who you really are and how the world works.

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